Tomato Kazakhstan yellow - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes are indispensable for the preparation of pickles and preservation for the winter. Gardeners grow tomatoes of all shapes and colors. One of the favorite varieties is considered Kazakhstan yellow. It is persistent and grows anywhere, regardless of climate.

Tomato Kazakhstan yellow

Grade description

Kazakhstan yellow tomatoes are so loved by gardeners for two reasons - a very high yield, unpretentiousness and excellent taste.

The variety of these tomatoes is cultivated in open areas and in greenhouses. The bush is high - up to two meters. The variety refers to tomatoes with early ripening fruits. The ripe vegetable is colored yellow, the flesh is the same color, but if you cut the tomato vertically, you can notice an arched insert of red color - the so-called “red tie”. On a horizontally cut tomato, small chambers with seeds are visible - from 6 to 10 pieces.

Fruit characterization

The fruits are large, reach a mass of 600 grams, the shape is flat, round, the pulp is juicy. It tastes sweet. During ripening, the surface of the tomato is covered with green touches. When the tomato fully ripens and turns yellow, the strokes disappear. The taste of the fruit is delicate, sweet, it can be stewed, suitable for the preparation of many dishes.

Growing methods

The Kazakhstani yellow tomato can be planted in two ways:

  • Throwing grains into the ground.
  • To grow seedlings, and then plant it.

The second method is preferable and is used much more often. Seedlings are grown according to the same scheme as for the remaining tomatoes:

  1. Before planting, the seeds are processed with potassium permanganate and dried.
  2. In the prepared container, the seeds need to be buried about one and a half to two centimeters.
  3. The earth is poured with warm or at room temperature water, covered with a film.
  4. After the appearance of the second leaf, seedlings are dived - planted in separate pots. It is very good if peat is used for this.

In open ground (this can be both in the greenhouse and on the street), seedlings are planted in early June, when the risk of freezing gets warmer and disappears. Previously, compost and other fertilizers are put in the holes, the soil is spilled abundantly and a bush is planted. From time to time it is recommended to weed the garden. You can do this with your hands, and for speed and time savings - with the help of a hoe or you can use root eliminators. In order to produce fewer weeds on the beds, it is worth mulching the soil with grass. The variety does not like uninvited "neighbors" and begins to languish. The grown bushes need to be tied up and installed supports, otherwise, under the weight of the culture will break and die.

Watering the crop should be regular, but not too plentiful - when there is a lot of water in the soil, the plants begin to wither.


Kazakhstan yellow tomato has several advantages over other varieties:

  1. Strong immunity. Not one of the known diseases affecting nightshade is ill. Yes, and pests do not take root on bushes of this variety.
  2. Bushes are strong.
  3. Tomatoes can be grown in almost any region and in any climate. The variety is very resistant to temperature fluctuations.

In addition to yellow lemon color, these tomatoes have another difference from their counterparts of other varieties - at the end of fruiting, a pink cap appears on each vegetable. It is easily determined by which grade the berry belongs.


Gardeners who cultivate Kazakhstani yellow tomatoes are satisfied with them and speak of a large number of crops, excellent taste and how good it is that the berries ripen early.

Elena Sibirtseva, 54 years old, Novosibirsk
Seeds of the Kazakh yellow variety were presented by friends. I planted seedlings before sowing, soaked for some time the seeds in aloe juice. Absolutely everything has risen, the sprouts are strong, not affected by anything, they survived the pick perfectly. Planted seedlings in greenhouse conditions, the bushes grew tall - about two meters. I had to tie them up and strengthen the brushes with the fruits that were set, otherwise the stem would break under the weight of ripe tomatoes.

The tomatoes on the bush are yellow; they look interesting among the greenery. These vegetables taste good - sweet and juicy. What pleasantly surprised - when the fruit was cut from the base along, a scarlet tie was visible inside. As I found out, it serves as a kind of indicator of ripeness. In the greenhouse there were several more varieties of tomatoes, so this variety matured before everyone else. With pleasure I prepared salads from them, and so they ate with the whole family.

Andrey Petrov, Voronezh
In early spring, he asked a neighbor what he was going to plant. He replied that Kazakhstani yellow tomato and gave some seeds. I wanted to leave them until next year, but I was curious what it was. In early April planted seedlings, after the second leaf diveed sprouts, and when at the end of May the fifth leaf appeared, planted sprouts in the garden.

In open beds, the tomatoes adapted perfectly and began to sprout. So that the bushes did not stretch out much, I nibbled the top slightly. The first yellow berries were removed in the last decade of July. There were many bright sunny tomatoes, the wife prepared very tasty salads from them.

Video: yellow tomatoes (best grades)

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