Tomato Brush F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Hand tomatoes - a new direction in the selection of tomatoes, appeared three or four years ago in Europe. Their feature is that the fruits are collected in inflorescences (brushes). Brush tomatoes are superior to piece tomatoes in almost all respects and are more suitable for commercial cultivation.

Tomato Brush F1

Fruits are very firmly attached to the brush, they can not be torn without effort. Therefore, such tomatoes can be harvested with brushes, which is more convenient.

The fruits that developed in one brush have the same mass and shape, as well as almost the same color. The fact is that when the last fruit ripens, the first one does not begin to soften, deteriorate. The fetus can remain in the hand for 1 month after ripening without loss of taste.

About the variety "Brush F1"

Hybrid "Carpal F1" has all the advantages of carpal varieties:

  • little susceptible to typical tomato diseases;
  • can be stored for a long time without loss of properties;
  • attracts buyers with its appearance.

The variety was bred by domestic vegetable growers, suitable for cultivation in the regions of the whole country. Climate conditions in a particular area dictate the requirements for tomato cultivation. The prevailing cultivation is in protected ground (in a greenhouse, greenhouse, under a film or in other insulated soil).

Varieties Brush F1 brushes simple, on each - up to 20 fruits. The oblivion is average. The plant is tall - up to 1 m 80 cm. It belongs to indeterminate (with unlimited shoot growth) species.

The lack of light, heat transfers normally, without reducing yield. It forms a large percentage of ovaries, bears fruit for a long period. Gives up to 40 kg of fruit from the bush. From planting to removal from the root should take about three months.

During storage and transportation does not lose flavoring properties. The shelf life of the fruits can be greatly increased if they are stored without breaking off the hands.

Fruit Description

Tomatoes are round, medium in size, color - red, weight of 1 fruit - up to 110 grams. The pulp is medium-dense. The peel of the fruit is smooth, dense, not prone to crack (provides long-term storage). They have high taste and mouth-watering smell.

Tomato "Brush F1" is intended for human nutrition without processing, as well as for conservation. It goes well with stuffed dishes, dried, vegetable salads.

Growing conditions

Conditions for growing tomatoes Brush F1
It is best planted in the form of seedlings. The deadline is mid-April. To get high-quality seedlings, you need the following conditions:

  • daylight hours of 16 hours and longer;
  • air temperature 21C and above;
  • watering is regular.

When one or two leaves appear near the seedlings, it is dived, that is, distributed into separate pots (one container for one plant). It is better to dive into peat pots: then they plant bushes directly in the ground.

Hardening is a mandatory procedure before planting a tomato in the ground. In the early morning and evening for about 1 week provide access to open air for seedlings for 10-15 minutes.

When planting in the soil, no more than three plants per 1 m2 are planted. The hybrid is tall and needs enough space. In addition, the installation of props, tying to long stakes, trellis is required. All this gives the garden an aesthetic appearance.

The plant needs to remove lateral shoots and lower leaves, which contributes to the development of the main stem. It also increases the resistance to fungal infections, as it improves the ventilation of the shoot near the soil.We begin to remove inflorescences (future brushes) when they become 7-8 on one plant, and then they will give ripe fruits.

The introduction of complex mineral fertilizers must be carried out at least four times per season. Watering the hybrid is carried out only in the evening, after sunset. Make heated water directly under the root. To evenly distribute moisture in the soil, it is mulched. It is better to do this with black non-woven material, you can use straw. Plants need loosening, weeding and hilling.

Reviews of Russian summer residents about the variety “Kistevoy F1”

  1. Fedor Pimenov, 43 years old: Good day to all. I want to talk a little about the variety of tomato "Brush". In my greenhouse, the tomato proved to be fruitful and not capricious. I collect from him 16-17 fruits from each brush. Everything is smooth, beautiful, tastes even very sweet. I did not find any negative sides.
  2. Vadim Orlov, 56 years old: Good health to all! This summer, for the first time, I planted Kistevoy F1 tomatoes. I cultivate vegetables in the Northwest region, and the hybrid gave a good harvest, normally tolerated constant rains and low temperatures. I didn’t have a fungus.

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