Tomato Strawberry - description and characteristics of the variety

A fairly large number of owners of summer cottages spend their free time growing vegetables in the garden. Tomatoes are very popular among summer residents. But before you start planting tomatoes, you need to choose a variety. Very often the choice is on Strawberry f1. This variety attracts gardeners in that it can provide them with an early harvest.

Tomato Strawberry


A bush of tomato Strawberry f1 can reach 1.2-1.5 m in height, so it is classified as a medium-sized variety. So that the bushes do not break from gusts of wind or because of the large weight of the fruits, they need to be tied to strong supports. Since the plant is not whimsical, the conditions in which it will feel good can be any. Therefore, gardeners have a choice where to plant a tomato - in an open garden bed or in a greenhouse.

The appearance of the first fruits occurs quite early. 3 months after planting, you can harvest. A distinctive feature of mature tomatoes of this variety is that in shape the fruits are very similar to strawberries. Tomatoes do not weigh much - on average, from 20 to 50 g. The variety is quite prolific and usually brings a very good harvest. One bush can produce up to 5 kg of tomatoes. With proper care of plants, productivity can increase by several kilograms.


The fruits of this variety are very often used in the preparation of preserves, because they have a fairly dense consistency. They are also quite suitable for fresh consumption. Due to the too high dry matter content of tomatoes, they are not used during the manufacture of tomato juices and pastas.

Growing seedlings

Tomatoes need to be planted in open soil. But before that, seedlings must be grown from seeds.

Preparing planting material
For the best growth of bushes, you need to prepare the seeds in advance. To do this, you need to prepare a solution using substances such as copper sulfate, boric acid or aloe juice and soak the seed in it for several hours. It is worth noting that there are other ways of treating seeds. For example, soaking in water. To do this, pour water into a small vessel after first putting the cloth in it. Then you need to lay seeds on its surface.

After 2-3 hours of soaking, you need to drain the water, and place the seeds in a plastic bag and store them there for about three days. Soaking can also be carried out using a manganese solution. It needs to be poured into a plate to the planting material. Soak for no more than 30 minutes, after which the seeds need to be washed with water and dried.


  1. The best conditions for planting tomatoes will be light and loose soil. Therefore, before you start planting seeds, you need to add a small amount of peat with sawdust to the soil.
  2. In order not to have to resort to transplanting seedlings, seedlings should be grown in peat tablets. You need to start planting tomato seeds at the beginning of March. It is worth noting that some gardeners do this at the end of the month. The maximum depth of the holes in which the seeds will be planted should not be more than one centimeter. The distance between the holes should be from 5 to 7 cm, in case the planting material will be planted in boxes. If the growing conditions are correctly observed, then after 5-10 days you can observe the first shoots.
  3. In order to avoid stretching the young sprouts, you need to make sure that there is good lighting on the bed. A minimum of 15 hours per day should be daylight hours.According to the recommendations of some gardeners in the first few days after the appearance of the first shoots, the lighting should be around the clock.

Planting seedlings
Planting tomato seedlings Strawberry
Planting should be done in open ground and only after the period of night frosts ends. Seedlings should be planted from April 15-20 or from the beginning of June. By this time, the root system of the bushes will have time to strengthen, and the first sprouted brushes will also appear.

Site selection
A very important factor is also the choice of site for planting. You need to choose a place that will have good lighting. If the site is located on a hill or in a place where strong gusts of wind are constantly observed, then this area is not recommended for landing. It would also be nice to ask - what was growing earlier on the site. It is necessary to consider whether related cultures were grown in this place. Tomato grows well after eggplant, pepper or potatoes.

Soil preparation
Strawberries, like many other varieties of tomatoes, are not very picky about the soil. But still, soil that contains more nutrients will better stimulate bushes to grow. Therefore, before landing on the site, you need to fertilize the earth. Usually compost and humus are added to the soil. 5 kg of fertilizer should be placed per square meter.

Before planting, on the site you need to create the appropriate number of holes. They should not be very deep. The ideal option is when the hole will completely cover the root of the seedling. Each hole should be at least 40-50 cm from its neighbor, rows should be spaced at least 60 cm. Those seedlings that have a height of more than 35 cm are planted in the ground at right angles and you need to dig in not only the root of the bush, but and a third of the stem.
After placing the seedling in the hole, it must be sprinkled with earth and compacted. After this, it is recommended to install strong supports next to each bush, to which the plant will be tied in the future, and water the seedlings with water.

For gardeners whose preference is the cultivation of early ripe varieties, tomato Strawberry is one of the best options. Before you start growing this variety of tomatoes, you must definitely read the recommendations of experienced gardeners, and you should also read reviews of gardeners who have real experience in this field.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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