Tomato Strawberry dessert - description and characteristics of the variety

Most tomato lovers prefer to grow crops with large fruits so that the crop immediately meets all expectations. For many, it is important that the variety can tolerate all possible diseases, is not very whimsical to care, hilling and feeding. Such an amazing tomato is Strawberry Dessert. It will be discussed in this article.

Tomato Strawberry Dessert


It is an indeterminate mid-sized variety. It grows well in a trellis or in a container with a high support. The first fruits will delight gardeners as early as July and will give pleasure before the onset of frost. In greenhouses, the fruits ripen until the end of the calendar year. Tomatoes are large, bright red. They have a fleshy and juicy inside with a small amount of seeds.

“Strawberry Dessert” is bred in greenhouses and heated greenhouses; in open ground it can grow only in warm regions. However, if there is a greenhouse and a greenhouse, then tomatoes will please the breeders with a high yield. It tolerates long-term storage and transportation over long distances.


  1. A large number of crops from one bush per season.
  2. Long fruiting time.
  3. The culture is resistant to many common diseases, such as late blight, sulfur rot and other common diseases.


  1. The flowering of a tomato and the appearance of ovaries on it can only be achieved by using greenhouses and greenhouses.
  2. Requires mandatory garters in more than one place, as well as support under the fruits.


  1. Sowing takes place at the end of March. Germination - up to 85%. After the appearance of the first leaf, seedlings are dived and each tomato placed in a separate container so that the root system does not intertwine during growth, and the tomato felt comfortable when transplanted into the greenhouse and did not get sick.
  2. For this grade, mandatory additional illumination with a fluorescent lamp is required. Thanks to additional consecration, the seedlings will be stronger.
  3. Plants are moved to the greenhouse in early May, and later to the greenhouse. This is due to the heating of the greenhouse and the absence of it in the greenhouse. Seedlings are planted at a distance according to the scheme 40 * 60 centimeters from each other.
  4. Important timely plentiful watering, ventilation of the room. On very hot days, shelters can be completely cleaned, if possible. Thus, the plants will be well ventilated.
  5. It is impossible to create too humid air, therefore, on cooler days, fragmentary ventilation of the room through the window is also necessary.
  6. The temperature in the greenhouse should, on average, range from 20 to 24 degrees. If the temperature drops by at least 8 degrees, the plant growth is inhibited. It can also affect flowering and ovary formation.
  7. Weekly top dressing with granular fertilizers is important. Timely need to make manure and ash.

The fruits are harvested at the stage of ripening, so that the vegetables can lie longer and already mature in the room or on the road during transportation.

Diseases and Pests

Diseases and pests of tomatoes Strawberry dessert
“Strawberry Dessert” tolerates diseases well, but treatment of the plant is important to avoid the disease. Well resists defeat by late blight. To prevent viral and fungal infections, a change of soil is necessary. Also, in order to prevent diseases in the spring, the soil is shed with a solution of manganese and copper sulfate. Useful for plants spraying with biological products to prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Possible attacks of slugs, Colorado potato beetle and aphids.Some individuals are collected manually, some are crushed using a concentrated soap solution. To exterminate these pests, you can use spraying with a weak solution with the addition of ammonia. It also kills them and prevents spraying with concentrated soapy water. Many insects simply cannot tolerate it. Perfect for fumigation with a bonfire with lots of smoke. You can use a smoke bomb. All these manipulations will affect both adults and pest larvae.

It is worth remembering that timely loosening and mulching of the soil prevents various diseases. For example, helps get rid of root rot.


Tomato has a very wide range of applications. It can be pickled, the skin will not crack. Suitable for cooking summer and autumn salads. It will go well with classic and curd cheese, feta cheese. Suitable for making lecho, pastes, ketchups and juices. Complement any meat. It will perfectly marinate the kebab and give it tenderness and slight spiciness.

Variety "Strawberry Dessert" will be loved by both professionals and summer residents. A little effort and care - and he will delight any agronomist with his ripe and tasty harvest.

Video: Tomato Care - The First Important Steps

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