Tomato Prince Silver - description and characteristics of the variety

The silver prince F1 with large and elegant fruits of a rounded shape enjoys well-deserved popularity among Russian gardeners. This is a hybrid variety, and it incorporates all the positive qualities of the parent tomato varieties. First of all, he is loved for his delicious taste and high yield.

Tomato Prince Silver

Variety Overview

Hybrid Prince silver F1 is a type of indeterminate type, its bushes are usually two meters long, can be stretched to a height of up to 2.5 meters, which makes their garter necessary. The leaves of the plant are medium sized, dark green in color. Ripening times are average for open ground, in greenhouses are reduced. Like many hybrids, the variety has excellent resistance to many diseases.

Characteristics of the fruit variety

The fruits of the Prince of Silver F1 are famous for their large size, their normal weight is about 300 grams, however, individual fruits can weigh half a kilogram. In the first brush of the plant, 8 to 10 tomatoes develop, in the next, from 5 to 7 fruits.

Tomatoes are rounded, slightly flattened. At the beginning of growth, they have a greenish-brown tint; as they mature, they acquire a beautiful rich red color. The pulp of the fruit is a strong, fleshy consistency with 4-6 seed nests. The tomato has a very pleasant sweet taste with a slight acidity.


In use, the fruits of this variety are quite universal, they are especially good when they are included in summer salads and consumed fresh, but they are also often used in sauces and juices, tomato paste. The variety is characterized by excellent keeping quality, its fruits are easy to store and transport.

Features of agricultural technology

The life cycle of tomato varieties Prince silver F1 begins with the fact that its seeds germinate for seedlings. They are sown in small containers with a nutritious earth mixture, usually containing humus or peat. Later, after the formation of 2-3 real leaves, a pick is carried out, replanting the plants in a larger container. After about 60 days, the seedlings are planted on the beds. This procedure can be carried out in late May or early June, depending on weather conditions. The main condition is that the air temperature in the daytime be at 22 degrees and not fall below 16 degrees at night.

Important! It is recommended to cultivate Prince silver silver F1 tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, but in warm areas it is possible to cultivate it in open ground. In the middle strip of the greenhouse, simple, film-coated can be used. In high latitudes, heated greenhouses are required.

The hybrid is characterized by excellent resistance to various diseases, nevertheless, fungicides can be applied to the soil and plants as necessary.

In the process of growing tomatoes are fed complex mineral fertilizers or a solution of organic fertilizers. Watering is carried out as necessary, not allowing the soil to dry out. It is recommended to regularly remove weeds so as not to waste introduced nutrients. Periodic loosening of the soil will provide the necessary aeration of the root system and maintain the required soil moisture.

Bushes of this variety must be actively formed, in time stepson plants. On a bush usually leave one, maximum two stems. When large fruits ripen, plants can break down, so they must be tied to supports - trellises or greenhouse hull elements.

The creation of the hybrid Prince Silver F1, indicates the next victory of Russian breeders.His plants received remarkable productivity, resistance to diseases, unpretentiousness in cultivation from parental varieties. Tomatoes of this variety are known for their impressive size, elegant color and shape of the fruit, as well as its excellent taste. Wonderful keeping quality and excellent transportability make it a welcome acquisition not only for amateur gardeners, but also for professional farmers.

Reviews gardeners

Tomatoes of the Prince Silver F1 variety received the most favorable reviews of gardeners, which mark its remarkable productivity, huge juicy and very tasty fruits. It was noted that for the preparation of salad for the average family, one fruit is enough. The same feature does not allow canning tomatoes of the variety in its entirety, but when harvesting in the form of paste or juice, excellent results are achieved.

  1. Victoria Sergeevna, 36 years old: I have been buying seeds Prince for the third year in a row, this variety has never failed me yet. I recommend.
  2. Slavik, 51 years old: Not bad that year he earned on the harvest. These tomatoes and my whole family were eating, everyone liked it.

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