Tomato Kolobok - description and characteristics of the variety

Each year, more and more new varieties of various tomatoes appear. Each view is better and more interesting than the previous one. But there are varieties that are competitive all the time and are not inferior to new hybrids in anything. Such is the Kolobok tomato, known to all gardeners. It appeared in the 90s and is still popular. Its name is due to the perfect round shape of the fruit.

Tomato Gingerbread Man

Grade Features

Gingerbread man belongs to early ripening varieties. The plant type is determinant, that is, the bushes are low and compact. The main difference is the simultaneous uniform ripening of fruits on each bush. The period from planting seedlings to harvesting is from 90 to 105 days. It ripens very well in the bud.

Characteristics of the appearance of the plant:

  • each bush reaches a height of 45 to 55 cm;
  • the foliage is green, the size of the leaves is medium;
  • inflorescences of a simple type, the first bunch with fruits is formed at a height of 6-7 leaves;
  • there is no articulation at the peduncle;
  • with proper care from 1 sq. m, you can collect from 1.5 to 4 kilograms of tomato.

Fruit Characteristic:

  1. Fruits have a perfect round shape, without bulges.
  2. By weight, the tomato reaches 70 grams, the minimum weight is 50 grams.
  3. The skin is smooth and durable, which is a good guarantee against mechanical damage.
  4. The color of the fruit is bright red.
  5. According to the internal components of the tomato fruit Kolobok four-chamber with small seeds. The pulp is juicy with a dense structure. Tomato has a rich taste. This variety is ideal for making juices, mashed potatoes.
  6. Tomatoes can be stored for a long time for a long time, and are suitable for transportation, which characterizes them exclusively on the positive side.

Ideal for home preservation and salting. Often used fresh for salads. This variety is actively grown for sale and wholesale.

Growing and caring for a plant

Tomato Kolobok grows well on open ground, does not require additional conditions in the form of a greenhouse or film. For active growth and fruiting, it is recommended for planting in the Central regions of Russia, where the climate for tomato Kolobok is most suitable.

For planting seeds for seedlings, the last decade of March is suitable. Seeds need to be planted in the depth of the soil from 1 to 1.5 cm. When the first leaves begin to sprout, you need to pick. It is important to do this very quickly, which will contribute to good growth.

In the time interval from the moment of diving to seedlings, it is necessary to feed the sprouts into the ground, about 2-3 times for this period. For fertilizing, you can use universal mineral fertilizers. A week and a half before planting, the sprouts need to undergo a hardening procedure, this is necessary to withstand the climate of the Central Strip. In order for the plant to be tempered, it is enough to put it on the balcony and open the windows for air intake, but be sure to monitor the absence of drafts.

Seedlings are planted in open ground between April and May; it all depends on climatic characteristics. It all depends on the weather. For comfortable growth, it is recommended to observe the following intervals: between plants - 50 cm, and rows - 60 cm. Subject to this rule, plants will grow without interfering with each other, and it will be much more convenient to harvest.

Tomato Gingerbread Man

Excellent quality is not exacting in the formation of bushes, the form is attached independently during growth. But do not forget that the fruits are heavy, and during the growth of the stem, you need to tie the bushes to a support.

Important in the care of tomato Kolobok is watering in the right amount and weeding from weeds.It is worth spilling the roots sparingly, do not pour too much water. If there are puddles and excess moisture, then this will lead to lesions by late blight and other fungi.

To prevent infection of the plant with pests - it is necessary to conduct preventive spraying from time to time.


  1. Kirill Viktorovich, 31 years old: Kolobok has been growing in my country house for almost 10 years. For all these years, more than once bought other varieties, but this one remained unchanged. Never regretted that we grow it. Pickled tomatoes come out very tasty, and because of their beautiful round shape they look great on the table and in the jar.
  2. Mark P., 39 years old: I always knew that the most reliable is proven over the years. It happened with our favorite Kolobok tomatoes. We have been planting this species for 7 years. Two years ago they decided to try a different look, and were disappointed. The crop was not successful. This year, Kolobok was planted again. What is most liked about it is that it grows in open land and the productivity does not suffer from it.

Video: Kolobok variety tomatoes

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