Tomato Room Surprise - Description and Description of the Variety

Tomato lovers do not have to have a cottage or a country garden to grow their favorite fruits. At their disposal there are varieties for the cultivation of which balcony flower boxes and pots on window sills are perfectly suitable. This is a variety of Room Surprise, which feels great both at home and on the open ground.

Tomato Room Surprise

The main characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes varieties Room surprise delight gardeners with super-early ripening dates and excellent yields. This variety is of a determinant type, the height of its bush generally does not exceed half a meter. The volume of green mass is not large. The leaves are simple, medium in size, dark green in color. Each bush is able to produce from 2 to 3 kg of fruit.

The fruits of Room Surprise are small, weighing up to 25 g. Tomatoes are smooth, very elegant, in shape are round-plum-shaped. Their color is solid, rich red tones. Greenish spots in the area of ​​the stalk are not characteristic of this variety. These tomatoes are distinguished by strong juicy pulp of a very pleasant sweet and slightly sour taste.

Room Tomatoes are very good in raw form and as an ingredient in vegetable salads. They are willingly used for decorating dishes. On the other hand, a strong consistency and strong skin allow preserving whole fruits without cracking. Tomatoes are remarkable for their excellent keeping quality. If you pick the fruits still green, they in a very short time reach full maturity in room conditions.

Pros and cons of the variety

The positive aspects of Room Surprise include, first of all, the elegant appearance of its miniature fruits with smooth lines, which makes it possible to use them even for decorative purposes. Their small bushes easily fit both in the greenhouse and in the container on the balcony or in the room. They are stunted and do not require the formation of stems. Plus, they are very resistant to most diseases affecting tomatoes, and provide their owners with an excellent harvest.

The disadvantages of the variety include the fact that it needs highly nutritious soil and frequent fertilization, as well as regular watering.

Growing Features

Plants that are planned to be planted in greenhouses or in open beds are first germinated for seedlings. Tomatoes grown in flowerpots or pots at home can be sown immediately in their permanent place.

Features of growing tomatoes Room surprise

When sowing tomatoes in pots, the seeds are buried by 2 cm, moisten the soil and keep under a protective film until seedlings appear. Usually no more than 2-3 seeds are planted in one container. When the first real leaves appear, they are dived, planting extra bushes.

For seedlings, tomatoes can be germinated in containers with fertile soil enriched with peat or humus. Containers require bright lighting. For developing seedlings, it is necessary to provide soft watering at room temperature with water and regular top dressing, for which nitrogen fertilizers are quite suitable.

After two months, the seedlings are planted in greenhouses or open ground. It is important that the soil is well fertilized and loosened before planting. This will provide the necessary nutrition of the bushes and aeration of the roots. To protect against fungal diseases, it is good to treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate, and plants with phytosporin. After planting, tomatoes should continue to be watered with warm water and fed with complex fertilizers. Also suitable for top dressing is wood ash, a mixture of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.Further agrotechnical measures include soil loosening for preventive purposes (up to 2 times a week) and weed control.

Disease susceptibility

Variety Room surprise is famous for its immunity to tomato diseases. He is not afraid of diseases such as late blight, fusariosis, verticillosis and tobacco mosaic. The only thing that plants can suffer from is gray, root and top rot, but also if the watering schedule is violated.

But tomatoes grown in residential conditions should be wary of aphids, thrips, spider mites and whiteflies, since dry and warm air, as well as other plants in the same room, attract pests. From them, a weak solution of potassium permanganate can help.

In cases where tomatoes have already suffered from insects, it is necessary to resort to the help of industrial insecticides, treating bushes up to 3 times with an interval of a couple of days. However, it must be borne in mind that plants can be treated with toxic substances only until the fruiting period, after which boiled celandine or onion peel can help.

Despite some subtleties of agricultural techniques related to the protection of tomatoes from pests, the variety Room Surprise is very unpretentious in cultivation and is perfect for amateur gardeners, even beginners in this matter. He will delight his customers with a good harvest and decorative qualities of plants.

Video: Tomatoes varieties Room surprise

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