Tomato Korneevsky - description and characteristics of the variety

The Korneevsky tomato variety is very popular among gardeners in various regions of Russia. Tomato gives decent results in open ground and in greenhouses. Tomato bears fruit abundantly from mid-July until frosts. The fruits are pink, very tasty, ideal for making salads and tomato juice.

Tomato Korneevsky


The variety is mid-season, tall, bushes require the formation, removal of stepsons. The height of the bush is up to 1.6 m, but there are giants up to 2 m in height. When grown in a greenhouse, the plant is formed into two to three stems.

Tomato is resistant to various diseases and pests. The plant is indeterminate, shoot growth is unlimited, only from the growing conditions. On the lower branches, tomatoes can reach a weight of 1 kg.

  1. Gardeners choose the Korneevsky variety because of its high taste indices. Tomatoes are very large, in some cases the weight reaches 850 g. The ripe berry acquires a light pink hue, has a round, slightly flattened, ribbed shape.
  2. Fruits are covered with a dense skin that prevents tomatoes from cracking. The pulp is sugary, of moderate hardness, has a sweet taste. The disadvantage of this variety is the inability to preserve the whole due to its large size.

This variety of tomatoes is very popular among gardeners. In the Middle Strip of Russia (in the suburbs), the Korneev variety is grown in a greenhouse.

Cultivation and care

Seeds are best bought from trusted growers. It is advisable to grow seedlings in a greenhouse under a film.

  1. More than a hundred days pass from the emergence of seedlings to the first harvest, because they try to sow seeds for seedlings in early March, and only at the end of spring, ready-made seedlings are planted in the greenhouse.
  2. A good harvest is possible only if healthy and strong seedlings are planted in the ground.
  3. Tomato seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse at the age of no more than 50 days, on the 10th of May. Seeds germinate usually 7-10 days. So from planting seeds to planting in the soil, 60 days should pass. From this we can conclude that the best time to plant tomato for seedlings is mid-March.

An effective way to handle the crop is to mulch. Mulch the aisles with hay, straw or sawdust.

How to plant seeds for seedlings
In the middle lane, for example in the Moscow region, the middle lane and Siberia, it is best to grow melon with grown seedlings. There is nothing complicated in growing seedlings, this method is not very different from planting in open ground seeds. Polycarbonate, greenhouses and greenhouses are traditionally used to shelter seedlings.

Seeds for seedlings of tomatoes Korneevsky

  1. Dry and slightly saline soil types are suitable for tomatoes, but in heavy marshy soils this plant will die immediately.
  2. Before planting, the soil should be pre-watered, since after this procedure weed plants will emerge, which must be destroyed by deep loosening of the soil. After this procedure, humus must be added to the ground, if ash is present.
  3. Tomato seeds can be subjected to short-term heating, the temperature should not exceed 55 degrees. Having decided on the planting date, take the seeds and soak them in a damp cloth for several days.
  4. Seeds are stuck - which means they can be planted in a container with soil. Containers for growing can be of various volumes and diameters; ceramic or plastic pots can be used.

When buying components for soil mix in stores, be careful. Trading firms do not always offer a quality substrate.When preparing the soil mixture for planting violets, it is necessary to freeze it for several days on the street.

Important! An important condition is that the soil should not have high acidity; black soil is suitable.

  1. We fill a wide tank with soil for seedlings and make small grooves. The distance between the grooves should be at least 5 cm. We put the seeds in the grooves at a distance of 3 cm and cover with soil.
  2. Moisturize the soil. We cover the container with a film and put it in heat.
  3. After emergence, immediately put in a room with good lighting. Sown seeds should not be watered with large amounts of water, otherwise they will be washed off and crumpled. It is better to spray water from a spray bottle.
  4. If there is not enough light, then put the seedlings under the lamp. The optimum temperature for seedling growth is 23 degrees during the day and 18 at night.
  5. Care before picking consists in watering. The soil in the tank should always be moist, but not waterlogged. After about a month, the seedlings will grow up and be ready for transplanting.
  6. In the phase of two real leaves, we dive the seedlings into separate cups and pour water.

Containers with seedlings can be put on the window near the battery to maintain heat and cover with film or glass. The room in which tomato seedlings are grown should be well lit, but at the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on the plants, which could adversely affect the development of seedlings. The soil should not have high acidity (suitable chernozem). In the soil should be present various fertilizers and excipients, it should be as nutritious as possible.

It is very important to observe the thermal regime and the humidity regime before emergence.

Outdoor cultivation and greenhouses

Cultivation of tomatoes Korneevsky
Tomato Korneevsky is a fairly unpretentious variety, it does not require special care, but it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for growing this plant.

Further care of plants after transplanting into the soil or greenhouse consists of regular watering. We constantly monitor soil moisture. It should be moderately moist. To protect against waterlogging, be sure to make drainage holes in the cups. In May, we plant seedlings on a bed in a greenhouse.

Organic matter affects tomato yields. In chernozem ranges from 1 to 12% of organic matter.

Pour the tomatoes under the root with water, heated to a temperature of 18-22 degrees. Watering is organized in the morning, until the temperature of water and atmospheric air have evened out. From one bush it is possible to collect up to six kilograms of product. Tomato is tolerant to sunburn, apical rot and cracking, characterized by prolonged fruiting.

Reviews gardeners

“For several years in a row I have been growing tomatoes of the old Korneevsky variety on my site. For our cool climate - this is a godsend. Tomatoes are very tasty and large. The good news is that the bushes bear fruit until the frost. If you have a heated greenhouse, you can get the crop until December. I grow seedlings myself on the windowsill. I recommend this variety to everyone. ” Ivan Fedoseevich, Perm

Video: Korneevsky variety tomatoes

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