Tomato Cornet - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Cornet is an unpretentious variety for regions with a cool climate. The plant is unpretentious, takes up little space. The yield of this variety is consistently high. This variety is recommended to be grown in greenhouses, film shelters or in the open ground. Fruits are round, uniform in size, red in color with dense skin.

Tomato Cornet


The plant is determinant, early ripening, does not require tying. Fruits of universal purpose, great taste. The height of the tomato bush is 0.45-0.5 m. Each brush gives from 4 to 5 fruits.

Cultivation and care

Tomatoes should be watered with warm water, mulch, pinch, fertilize and fight pests. These tips will help you get a rich harvest and enjoy the amazing taste of purple vegetables.

Growing tomatoes in the middle lane is not so simple. Either arid or rainy summer, constant temperature changes negatively affect this culture. Tomatoes, by their nature, love warmth, humidity and calm weather. But even with a temperate continental climate, many gardeners manage to collect a good crop from their summer cottage.

What are the secrets to successfully cultivating the Cornet variety?

Firstly, this vegetable responds well to picking. Tomatoes can be transplanted safely, since the root system does not suffer from this. Unlike eggplant, a vegetable after a dive does not freeze and quickly recovers.

  1. Seeds should be planted either immediately in the ground, or in individual containers for further transplantation by transshipment, that is, together with the ground, without touching the roots.
  2. The first step is to prepare the soil mixture at the rate of two parts of humus and one part of sand pre-treated with hot water. A few spoons of ash are added to the soil.
  3. In order for the seeds to sprout, they are immersed in warm water for several minutes, wrapped in tissue and left for 5 days. After seed germination, they are lowered into the prepared soil to a depth of 1 centimeter.

When the first shoots appear, watering is carried out only for 3 days. When the young shoots reach a ten-centimeter height, a transplant is made into the open ground, with preliminary hardening of the young shoots (2 weeks before planting, the sprouts are carried out daily to fresh air).

Secondly, tomatoes love warm and moist soil. Soil temperature should not be less than 20 degrees of heat. It is advisable to water the crop in the evening, when the sun has already set, and there is no evaporation. Water should be warm, should be watered under the root and every other day.

Another effective method of processing crops is mulching. This is best done with grass, straw or sawdust, or all mixed up.

When mulching a vegetable, one watering per week is sufficient. If the soil is wet - watering is not performed.

Thirdly, tomatoes are afraid of drafts, winds and enclosed spaces. They should be planted in a sunny, windless place and periodically fed. Feed it with natural fertilizers for the first time, such as mullein or chicken droppings. Then monthly add a handful of ash to the ground.

When the plants grow up (reached a thirty-centimeter height), you should make stepsoning - removing the lower side shoots. During flowering, watering is done every 4 days, weeds are removed and the soil is loosened.

Pests and control of tomatoes

Most of all, Colorado beetles love to “enjoy” tomato leaves, even more than potatoes.

  1. Effective ways to combat these pests is the treatment of the culture with infusion of wormwood, dusting with ash or flour with salt. You can also treat the plants with chemicals.
  2. You should constantly monitor for eggs laid by the pest on the back of the leaves of the culture.
  3. Spider mites and bedbugs also cause great harm to tomatoes. To combat them, spraying with infusion of onions or dandelion with the addition of laundry soap is used.

Harvesting and storage conditions

There are no obvious signs of determining the ripening of a crop, as a rule, the color of a tomato is an indicator of ripeness. The maturity of the vegetable is determined by clicking on the culture. If the peel is bent and immediately returned to its original position - you can harvest.

For good storage, ripe fruits are taken without damage. Stack the crop should be in boxes, shifting parchment or straw.

If you listen to all the tips and tricks, you can collect a rich crop of Cornet tomatoes, which has a unique taste. And with proper storage - to diversify the table and enjoy the taste of the vegetable culture for a long time.

Also, tomatoes have a number of positive qualities and are useful in the fight against certain diseases. They lower cholesterol, improve metabolism and have a diuretic effect. In addition, this vegetable is low in calories and is recommended for consumption by overweight people.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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