Tomato Royal mantle - description and characteristics of the variety

Gardeners who prefer large tomatoes should pay attention to the Royal Mantle variety, bred by Siberian breeders. Its fruits are distinguished by their large size, wonderful taste and versatility of use. In addition, thanks to a good harvest, you can earn good money.

Tomato Royal Gown

Variety Characteristics

The Royal Mantle variety is equally successfully cultivated in open beds and in the greenhouse. Its plants are indeterminate type and reach a height of 180 cm when cultivated in greenhouses and 90 cm - on unprotected soil. The size of the leaves of this variety is medium, they are light green in color. Productivity is high, each bush of the variety can produce more than 4 kg of tomatoes.

The fruits of the Royal Mantle are famous for their high quality. It is characteristic of the variety that each brush gives tomatoes of identical shape and weight, which greatly improves their marketability during sale. The fruits are very large, the weight of each on average can be about half a kilogram, he individual fruits grow up to 700 g. The shape of the tomatoes is flat-round. The skin color is bright crimson tones. In the area of ​​the stalk, a characteristic green “mantle” is visible.

The pulp of the fruits of the Royal Mantle is juicy and fleshy. The taste is characteristic, sugar, causing a good dessert aftertaste. Despite their impressive size, tomatoes of this variety do not crack, perfectly tolerate transportation and are stored for a long time. These tomatoes are used primarily in their raw form, they are very good both in summer salads and in the composition of hot dishes. The fruits of the Royal Mantle are preserved, as in other large-fruited varieties, most often as tomato paste, sauces and juice.

Features of agricultural technology

Like all large-fruited varieties, the cultivation of the Royal mantle has certain subtleties, the observance of which will help to obtain tomatoes of exceptional taste.

  1. Growing tomatoes of this variety begins with the fact that 60 days before planting in the soil, the seeds are germinated for seedlings. Sown seeds in peat pots or containers with a fertile mixture of garden soil with humus or peat.
  2. In order for the seeds to germinate amicably, the room temperature is maintained at 23-25 ​​degrees.
  3. Since the bushes grow large, seedlings are planted 40 to 60 cm, placing a maximum of 3 plants on one square meter. As the tomatoes grow, they need regular pinching so that 1-2 stems remain in the bush and the plantings do not thicken. After the first week of growth in the soil, the plant is pulled up and it needs a garter to support - trellis or just to the hull of the greenhouse. To normalize productivity, at most one should leave at the same stem - these are 5 brushes.
  4. Upon reaching maximum growth and the appearance of the last fruit brush, pinch the trunk of the plant at the top, this stops its further growth and will allow the use of all nutrients for the development of the fruit.
  5. To ensure access to the required amount of light and proper aeration of the bush, the lower leaves are usually removed, up to about a third of the height of the stem.
  6. In each brush of the plant, more than 5 fruits develop, but the characteristic size of the variety is acquired by the 4-7 first tomatoes, the rest grow smaller or completely undeveloped. To increase the yield and improve the quality of the fruit, you should leave a maximum of 7 most viable ovaries, which are located closer to the trunk of the plant, get rid of the end of the brush.

A feature of the cultivation of the Royal Mantle variety is the need to organize adequate and regular watering of plants.This will prevent the drying out of the soil, which most often leads to falling flowers and lower yields. Also, for the proper development of tomatoes of this variety, periodic top dressing is required, for which nitrogen-containing and mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil.

The variety shows excellent resistance to disease, it is not afraid of late blight and other fungal infections. Fruits can be removed when they have reached milk ripeness. If after that they are placed in a wooden container in a cool dark place, they ripen well. Although, as a result, their taste is inferior to soil fruits, they possess excellent keeping quality and retain their qualities until mid-winter.

Royal mantle tomatoes can be a very successful acquisition for gardeners, which will bear the fruits of delicious taste and quality.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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