Tomato Red bunch - description and characteristics of the variety

Variety of tomatoes Red bunch refers to small-fruited, but very productive. These small sweet tomatoes are perfect for any salad, and they are also easy to preserve for the winter. It grows almost throughout the country, but in cold regions - only in greenhouses.

Tomato Red bunch

Grade description

Bushes of this variety do not reach a height of more than half a meter, grow in breadth. Long branches are densely strewn with small fruits, the leaves are wrinkled, dark green in color.

Harvest spetset very quickly - only 90-100 days after planting (but first you need to grow seedlings). Resistant to the most common diseases of tomatoes, cases of infection are rare. The main distinguishing features of the variety, which is also called Sweet Million:

  • Each cluster has about 15 fruits, each 30 grams.
  • The skin is thin, but dense, shiny.
  • The taste is usually similar to cherry - sweet.
  • The form is regular, spherical.

Tomatoes of this variety, perhaps, can be called the smallest, because other tomatoes in their mass can reach three hundred and four hundred grams.


Fruits this variety is stable and good. Harvest large, temperature differences do not affect the viability of seedlings. It can grow up to 10 kg per square meter - it's just a fantastic result! In addition, small fruits do not crack, are stored for a long time and are unpretentious with regard to soil, light and water.

For home-made juices and pasta, these tomatoes are perfect, because they do not lose their bright taste during heat treatment. Fresh they can be put as an ingredient in sandwiches and salads, just eat whole.

Growing Features

Experienced summer residents understand that not all vegetables sprout well on the soil, where cucumbers, cabbage or onions grew before that. However, for the Red Bunch this is an excellent basis.

Seeds, which should subsequently become seedlings, are disinfected and planted from late February to early March. They bury them two centimeters in the ground, leaving the same distance between the sprouts.

Important! These tomatoes respond perfectly to growth stimulants, however, if you do not want to use them, you can simply cover the seedlings with polyethylene to provide the shoots with the necessary humidity.

After two well-developed leaves appear, you can pick. For a dive, you will need a special container made of either paper or peat.

If the leaves are already 5 or more, and the height of the shoots has reached 25 centimeters (which is half of the possible size), they can be transplanted into the greenhouse or even in the open ground, leaving as much free space as the bushes need, given their height. Direct sunlight can ruin the seedlings, but the light should still be enough.

The soil in which the Red Bunch will continue to grow should be well saturated with oxygen and have a higher level of acidity than is usually required. When planting seedlings, remember that it is worth leaving between them about half a meter, since the clusters tend to stretch very long.

Features of growing a red bunch

The list of fertilizers that have a beneficial effect on these tomatoes is quite extensive:

  • organics;
  • boric acid;
  • yeast;
  • ammonia;
  • iodine;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

If your goal is to get a rich harvest, you should not forget about pinching. Shoots, on which fruits do not grow, take nutrients from fruitful branches, because of which tomatoes can remain very small, not ripen or even dry out.In order for all the processes taking place in the plant to benefit your crop, the extra shoots will need to be removed regularly (once every two weeks).

Shoots with fruits will need another type of support - a garter. This will simplify the care of plants, they are easier to collect, and light and moisture will fall on all the fruits evenly.

Harvest in June and September.

If you still doubt whether this variety is worth the effort spent on it, you can read several reviews from other summer residents who have already tried to grow the Red bunch.

Reviews of summer residents

  1. Leonid, 54 years old: Growing these tomatoes in a greenhouse. Bribed by the fact that they are resistant to many pests and diseases from which all my previous seedlings suffered. When he landed these, he sprayed with fungicide for prevention, and forgot about all the problems associated with late blight. Of course, I had to suffer with tying and pinching, but the great harvest was worth it.
  2. Anna, 35 years old: One of the best varieties that I grew in my country house. Small, sweet, from one bush of eight kilos, sometimes collected. They stand in swirls until the winter, they don’t lose their taste at all, all the household gobbles for both cheeks.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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