Tomato Red icicle - description and characteristics of the variety

Regarding this tomato variety, one can hear the phrase: "Eat more icicles, they are tasty and healthy." Indeed, the Icicle red variety is very reminiscent of its icy sister, but it has an exquisite sweet taste, a bright beautiful red color and a high content of nutrients.

Tomato Red Icicle

This variety has many positive qualities, and above all - does not contain GMOs, meets all the requirements of international standards, as well as GOST RF 12260/81. Ripen early, best in greenhouse conditions, and the yield is excellent.

Grade description

If all favorable conditions are created for tomatoes of this variety, they ripen early, but in open ground they grow amicably in the southern regions, and the rest need to use greenhouses or hotbeds. Harvest can be harvested for a long time, often before the arrival of autumn.

Ripening periods last from 100 to 108 days. The bush is high - from 180 to 210 cm, belongs to the indeterminate type. To achieve good yield, the plant must be formed - no more than two stems. Gardeners with rich experience are advised to produce either on a trellis or a support. It is necessary to tie both stems and brushes, and you need to do this on time so that the plant does not break under its own weight. Be sure to make stepsoning

In the Red Icicle, fertility, first of all, is laid behind the 6th, 8th leaves, and then the formation of brushes occurs after 2 - 3 leaves. On average, the bush has 5 brushes, and each is able to form from 10 to 16 fruits. They are tied very abundantly.

Mature tomatoes weigh 80 - 120 g. Their shape is somewhat different from other varieties due to the elongated rounded cylindrical shape and pointed end. Color - rich red, the pulp is quite dense. The skin is tight. It tastes sweet. The red icicle has a high dry matter content.

This variety has a beautiful presentation. It is profitable to grow it for wholesale sales not only on this basis, but also because it is an extremely productive variety with a large percentage of the crop - up to about 25 kg per 1 m2, tasty, and tolerates long-term transportation with almost no loss. Even after long storage, its good appearance and all its taste are preserved, but it is recommended to store the crop in a darkened cool place where direct sunlight does not fall, especially if the time is very hot.

It is used universally: both in fresh form and as a canned product. It tolerates various types of processing, while remaining as tasty. Juices, seasonings, fruit drinks, ketchup are made from it. It is usually preserved or salted with whole fruits or cut if necessary.

Growing period

Growing Tomatoes Red Icicle
To get seedlings on time, Red Icicle seeds should be planted at the end of March. As soon as the first real leaf appears, professionals suggest that they take a seat and make a pick, be sure to feed the sprouts with mineral fertilizers.

After transplanting, mandatory watering is required. Tomatoes are transplanted into the open ground already in the last decade of May, when they are not afraid of night spring frosts. If the region is not spoiled by heat, the Red Icicle should continue to grow in greenhouse conditions, where the soil is warmed up to 14 - 16 degrees of heat.

This species can boast of friendly germination, and during the growth period is unpretentious, does not require special care.He will need the usual gardening procedures for him: pinching, so that there are no extra shoots, getting rid of weed grass, periodic loosening, watering and correctly selected mineral fertilizers.

The first crop, under favorable conditions, can be harvested at the end of July, and fruiting lasts until the beginning of October.

Diseases Can Be Avoided

Bringing a variety of Red Icicle, breeders have tried very hard so that he would not be afraid of illness. Therefore, they avoid many dangers, but still sometimes suffer from septoria, or white spotting. This viral infection is dangerous in that it causes intensive drying of the leaves, and as a result, the yield is sharply reduced. You can immediately notice the defeat: the lower leaves are deformed, dry. This is primarily due to high humidity or high air temperature, from August to September.

To eliminate this dangerous pathology, you should get rid of the damaged leaves and be sure to treat the plants, and at the same time the earth holes with preparations containing copper. The most popular and effective remedies are Tsineb and Chorus.

Video: Red Icicle Tomatoes

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