Tomato Red buffalo - description and characteristics of the variety

Vegetables are an integral part of a healthy human diet. Gardeners especially respect a crop like tomatoes. Universal vegetables can be eaten raw throughout the summer, as well as prepare various preparations. Some lovers of growing tomatoes often prefer large-fruited varieties.

Tomato Red Buffalo

Tomatoes Red buffalo are gigantic in size. The variety belongs to a hybrid group with an early ripening period. The first ripe fruits can be tasted 95-100 days after seed germination. Bushes grow well in greenhouses and in open areas. The variety is quite unpretentious to adverse climatic conditions.

Grade description

Bushes of plants are very strong, and have powerful roots and shoots. During growth, they can reach a height of 2 meters. In order not to go uncontrolled growth, which adversely affect the quality of the crop, the top of the kut must be pinched.

From one bush with good enough care you can get from 9 to 10 kg of tomatoes. The shape of the fruit is flat round. Hybrids grow in huge sizes, the weight of the fruit varies from 500 to 1000 grams. The pulp is fleshy and juicy. The taste of the fruit is sweet.

Due to its gigantic size, tomatoes are not suitable for canning in general, but are excellently used for the preparation of ketchups, pastes and juices. And to make a vegetable salad for a large family, one tomato will be enough.

Cultivation agricultural

The variety is grown in seedlings. Sowing is recommended in mid-May. Seeds must be purchased at specialized stores every year. Hybrids do not retain the signs of the maternal gene, therefore, after self-collection of seeds, nothing will grow out of them.

Sowing preparation

Seeds must be kept in a soda solution or use potassium permanganate for disinfection. This will help to avoid the appearance of fungus in future bushes. After preparing the seeds, you need to cultivate the earth and make mineral fertilizers. The soil must be calcined at high temperature in the oven. This will kill harmful insects, and eliminate many possible fungi and viruses. Prepared soil should be poured into boxes or containers.

Landing and care

Planting and caring for a tomato Red buffalo

  1. Sowing seeds must be carried out to a depth of 1 cm. They are placed in the grooves made. Watering the soil is not necessary, it should be moistened a little. On top of the box is closed with cellophane or glass. In order for the sprouts to hatch faster, it is necessary to ensure optimal seed temperature and sunlight access for future seedlings. As soon as the seedlings appear on the surface, the shelter can be removed.
  2. When the seedlings form 2-4 leaves, they need to be dived. For this, seedlings need to be planted in separate containers.
  3. Shortly before planting in a greenhouse or in the ground, mature seedlings should be hardened. For a week you need to take out the seedlings on the street for several hours. Immediately before landing, the containers are left on the street at night.
  4. A permanent place must be planted in already prepared land. In advance, humus or other organics should be added to the wells. 3 seedlings should be planted per square meter. If you leave little space, then the bushes will lack nutrients, which will negatively affect the future harvest.
  5. Near each hole you need to stick a wooden or metal stick to which the bushes will be attached. During growth, timely removal of excess stepsons should be carried out.

During the summer period, to obtain a richer harvest and healthy large fruits, the basic rules for care should be observed:

  1. Timely carry out loosening of the soil and removal of weeds.
  2. Water no more than once a week. Tomatoes do not like drought and too much water.
  3. To process bushes for the prevention of diseases and pests.
  4. To apply mineral fertilizers several times during the season.

If you follow the simple requirements for care, then the results will be excellent. The most important thing is not to forget that tomatoes will grow enormous in size - which means you have to work hard with the workpieces.

Reviews gardeners

All gardeners are delighted with this variety. The red buffalo conquered absolutely everyone with its size and bright red. Many simply wonder how such giants do not break the bushes on which they hang. But the fact remains, the shoots are very strong and powerful.

Vitaliy, 42 years old: I was just amazed at the size of the fruits of this variety. To make a salad for one person, one tomato can be divided into several parts. Next year I will certainly plant Red Buffalo again.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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