Tomato Cream Brulee - description and characteristics of the variety

Many gardeners grow not only tomatoes of common varieties and standard colors. Variety of tomatoes Creme brulee has a dark brown or cream shade. Tomatoes are characterized by high productivity and unpretentiousness to adverse climatic conditions. Fruits are great for fresh consumption and for canning. Well grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

Tomato Cream Brulee

Grade description

Tomatoes of the Creme Brulee variety are a mid-season variety of the nightshade family. Bushes grow in open ground up to 1 meter, in greenhouse conditions can reach 1.5 meters. The harvesting period begins with 118-120 days of the appearance of the first sprouts.

The shape of the fruit is flat-round, cream-colored. The skin is thin, glossy. The mass of one tomato ranges from 200 to 400 grams. The pulp is sweet and fleshy. In the section there are many seed chambers. Inflorescences are formed by brushes, usually 5-6 tomatoes on one brush.

Features of cultivation and care

Growing and caring is no different from tomatoes of other varieties. Landing is carried out by the seedling method. To do this, you need to prepare the seeds, soil and capacity. Seeds are first recommended to pour warm water for 2 hours. After time, empty shells will pop up. They need to be thrown away, and the seeds that have sunk to the bottom should be sown.

To avoid future problems with various diseases, the seeds can be held in a weak manganese solution. The soil should also be disinfected. To do this, hot water can be poured into a container with earth or calcined in an oven for several hours. This will help get rid of possible pests and fungal infections.

After all the preliminary preparations, the seeds are placed in the done furrows on the surface of the earth and fall asleep. Sow to a depth of 1 cm. Watering is not necessary, just lightly spray. Above the container is closed with polyethylene or glass. Before seedlings appear, the film must be regularly removed for a short time, irrigated. Sunlight is required. When the shoots appear, the shelter must be removed completely.

If the seedlings appeared densely planted, then you need to plant them. As soon as the sprouts have 2-4 full leaves, they must be transplanted into a separate bowl. Seedlings will be planted in a permanent place after about 2 months.

Planting seedlings
In the place prepared for landing, you need to make mineral fertilizers. The distance between the bushes should be 50 cm. The seedlings are placed in the hole and buried. Nearby you need to install supporting poles to which the bushes will be attached. As you grow, you should not forget about cutting off stepsons. This will help to get larger fruits.

Watering Tomatoes Cream Brulee
Solanaceous crops do not like to lack water. You should try not to let the soil dry out, and you should not get too carried away with watering. This can lead to the development of diseases of the root system and to the death of plants. Watering is recommended to be carried out once a week, if there is no rain, warm water.

Top dressing
To obtain a higher yield and healthy tomatoes, you should add mineral complex fertilizers at least 3 times during the summer. This should be done during the growing season, during the flowering of plants and when the harvest begins. Mineral mixtures containing nitrogen and phosphorus are excellent for feeding bushes. You can also water the bushes with organic solutions.If during the period of the beginning of fruiting, the bushes are strong and strong, then you should not get carried away with feeding.


  1. Sergey, 49 years old: Gardeners who cultivate the creme brulee variety speak out positively about the high tomato yield. However, some flaws were noted. Many tomato lovers noted the lack of resistance of the variety to diseases. Therefore, it is advised to treat the bushes with special preparations several times during the summer. In addition, the size of the fruit does not correspond to those described in the instructions. Small tomatoes grow in the lower part of the bushes, and closer to the top, the size increases.
  2. Vitya, 34 years old: I never grew this salad variety, when I tried, I realized that the bushes require increased attention. It is necessary not only to carry out timely cultivation, removal of weeds and the introduction of minerals and organics, but also often process bushes from diseases and pests. But the interesting original coloring of the fruits attracted the attention not only of my household, but also of my neighbors. Now everyone was going to plant an unusual variety next year.

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