Tomato Crystal F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

The Crystal tomato variety is a hybrid grown in France. Designed for planting and growing in greenhouses, an open area, as well as in greenhouse conditions. It is in demand among vegetable growers.

Tomato Crystal F1

Grade characteristics

Crystal variety belongs to early ripening varieties, already on the 90th day from transplanting seedlings to a constant place of growth, maximum - 105th, you can collect ripe fruits. The variety belongs to the all-weather season, which allows it to be grown year-round.

The plant has simple inflorescences, fairly small internodes. Able to grow very high, if not artificially shorten the tip. The variety has a strong, thick stem. The first fruit is formed already over the fifth or sixth gray-green cirrus leaves. From one inflorescence, you can get from 8 to 10 fruits.

Due to the ability to achieve high growth, the bush is periodically pruned. It is recommended to grow this variety of tomatoes in one or two stems, timely conducting pinching. Mandatory garter of the plant to the support.

Fruit Description

Crystal tomato has medium-sized fruits. In a mature state, they are able to reach a mass of 120 to 160 grams. In appearance, all fruits are the same in size, have an even rounded shape, a bright red color of the peel and pulp. Each tomato inside has three chambers with many small seeds.

The fruits have a fairly dense peel in the amount of 6-8 mm. Due to this, tomatoes do not crack during transport. They keep a beautiful, marketable, fresh look. Since all the fruits ripen at one moment, this allows you to collect tomatoes all at once, right with the brushes, which also makes them attractive on the store vegetable stalls.

Interesting! The mass of one plant brush is capable of reaching up to one and a half kilograms.

Taste characteristics of tomatoes, application

Crystal Tomatoes have an interesting taste, in which sweetness is combined with a slight sourness. They are juicy, fleshy and, despite the thickness of the skin, tender and pleasant to use.

Fruits will be enjoyed by those who prefer to eat food in a fresh, unprocessed form. In light, summer salads, they are especially good in combination with other vegetables. The variety will also be liked by lovers of making snacks, preparations for the winter, etc. The fruits retain their round shape in salting well, making the appearance of the snack very attractive.

When canning, it is recommended to use tomatoes of different degrees of maturity, this will give the dish a special, piquant taste.

Note! According to many housewives, the most delicious dish made of Crystal Crystal tomatoes is tomato puree and pasta.

Cultivation: features, nuances

The ideal soil for the Crystal variety is slightly acidic, even neutral. When sowing take into account climatic conditions, the ripening period of the fruit. Sowing is carried out to a shallow depth: only 1-2 cm and the seeds are slightly sprinkled with earth.

An important condition for landing is a pick. It is carried out when a pair of real leaves appears. After 2 months, the seedlings are ready for planting on a permanent site for growth and maturation. A distance of 40-50 cm is mandatory between plants. With this approach, two to three plants should fit on 1 m2.

It should be noted that it is this variety that is preferable to grow in greenhouse conditions. The difference in yield is significant: 8 kg or more.This is explained by the fact that the greenhouse has more optimal conditions: maintaining a constant temperature, protection from the weather, and external influences.

After planting, the plant needs care. It is simple and includes the following procedures:

  • regular moistening of the soil: once every 7 to 10 days,
  • mulching,
  • feeding
  • loosening the soil
  • weeding,
  • ventilation (for greenhouse plants).

Fertilizer, fruit ripening

When fertilizing, it is important to follow the regimen. The first top dressing is carried out during the period of active development, seedling growth. The second - 10 days after the flowering of the second ovary. The third is carried out only after the harvest.

When the first fruits have formed on three to five ovaries, it is required to remove all the lower leaves before the start of the second brush. This will provide a sufficient amount of oxygen for the normal development of the culture, its rapid growth. In addition, this manipulation enhances the immunity of the plant.

To approximate the time of ripening, some vegetable growers advise the following recipe: take 2 liters of water and place ash in it (about a third of the total). Dilute the resulting mixture with boiling water in the amount of 5 liters, mix and allow to cool to room temperature. After that, add another 5 liters of water to get 10 liters in the end. Add a jar of iodine and 10 grams of boric acid to the liquid. Before use, the resulting product should be infused for 24 hours.

Disease resistance

The main distinguishing feature and indisputable advantage is the resistance of the Crystal variety to common diseases among tomatoes: tobacco mosaic, fusarium, verticillum wilting.

Tomato variety “Crystal” is perfect for growing in any conditions, although it is worth considering the fact that the yield of greenhouse plants can exceed 2 times the yield of plants grown in an open area. Minimal care is required: fertilizer, watering, weeding, loosening. This variety is suitable for beginner growers, as well as experienced gardeners.

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