Tomato crown prince - description and characteristics of the variety

The variety of tomatoes on the market allows you to choose the best varieties for specific characteristics, taste or size, for canning or sale. Tomato Cron Prince is a high-yielding tomato with excellent taste and low calorie content, like many of the nightshade family.

Tomato Cron Prince

Cron Prince is not a hybrid tomato, which allows you to collect seed material yourself from fully ripened fruits of the best quality. Variety cultivation is possible not only in greenhouses and hotbeds, in the open space, but also on the loggia of an apartment or kitchen window with further fruiting. Land for the root system will need a little - up to 6-7-kilograms. For these purposes, a flower pot or bucket with a capacity of up to 10 liters is suitable.

Tall plant with an average number of sharp leaves, requires mandatory garter and removal of stepsons. When grown in film greenhouses, it reaches a height of 2 meters, when in open space growth stops at around 1.5 - 1.6 meters. It should be tied to the vertical posts one bush separately, connected by a horizontal crossbar. When forming a bush, the garter should be controlled or moved with the formation of inflorescences and lengthening of the stem.

Dates of sowing and picking, depending on the planting site

In closed heated polycarbonate greenhouses, sowing can begin at the end of February, so that as the seedlings grow, they can dive into the soil heated by heating. Depending on the type of heating in the greenhouse, crop production can last year-round, replacing and updating already fruiting plants with others. Sowing is carried out in wooden boxes to a depth of not more than 1 - 1.5 cm, constantly monitoring the moisture content of the land cover and air temperature.

For planting ready seedlings on open ground, it is advisable to sow at the end of the month of March, when the ground is already warming up in spring sunshine and rooting of plants in April will be more comfortable. Planting is carried out at the age of 40-50 days, with formed leaves from 4-5 pieces. If the weather conditions are unstable for this period of planting, it is possible to shelter the planted sprouts with temporary film greenhouses.

To grow tomatoes directly at the fruiting site, without picking and replanting, sowing should be done at the end of April, in well-warmed up soil, it is possible to cover with agronomic fiber to accelerate seed germination. Such a fiber allows heat and moisture to pass through, while maintaining the necessary temperature and humidity for seedlings. When warm nights are reached, without freezing the surface of the soil, the fiber must be removed, and the grown seedlings should be thinned out to the required distances between adult plants. The removed seedlings can be planted in free space by selecting the strongest and most even stems with good roots.

It is possible to grow a tomato in apartment conditions, in a small amount, but in winter conditions the plants slow down their growth, despite the additional feeding and lighting. Caring for the bushes in winter is a pleasure, recalling the summer harvest.

Care during the growing season of the bush does not require additional knowledge and skills. The soil undergoes periodic loosening for better oxygen access to the roots of plants, weeds are removed completely with removal beyond the limits of the tomato growing place.It is important to periodically fertilize with mineral fertilizers and water in the evening, in order to avoid burning the leaves with sunbeams through water droplets.

Ripening and picking ripe fruits

In closed polycarbonate greenhouses, harvesting is possible already 90 days after sowing tomatoes, at the end of May. On the open ground, the tomato ripens in 100 days of the growing season and is ready for harvest in June. Heavy plant brushes gain full weight and ripeness almost simultaneously, making the burden on the bush heavier. On one bunch, they have up to 30 tomatoes with an average weight of up to 80 grams, when tied, about 40 fruits per brush, their weight is 65-70 g. At the same time, about 5 - 6 kilograms of fruits ripen on one bush.

Beautiful red round-cylindrical fruits with a sharp pipochka look very beautifully canned whole, in salads with other vegetables. Tomato suitable for processing, for the preparation of tomato juice and ketchups. The use is possible fresh and in the form of sauces. Excellent taste and beautiful appearance make the tomato variety, popular among housewives, in demand for cultivation for implementation. High productivity allows you to get up to 20 kilograms of finished products from one meter of usable area.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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