Tomato Crimean rose - description and characteristics of the variety

The variety has proven itself when grown in a limited space of suburban areas. Low strong bushes give an average of 4 - 6 kg of fruit per 1 square. m. Plants calmly tolerate a sharp drop in temperature, and prolonged drought. Great taste with a slight acidity attracts with saturation, perfectly suitable for canning and fresh consumption.

Tomato Crimean Rose

Characteristics of the variety and its features

For a long time, growing tomatoes was only possible in the southern regions and, partly in central Russia. The reason was the need for a large number of hot days during the summer period, otherwise the fruits did not ripen, quickly decayed, became acidic and watery. The task of breeders was to develop species capable of producing high yields with good taste in conditions of relative coolness. The Crimean rose tomato became such a grade. It is unpretentious to temperature, sings even in a cool climate, tolerates temperature extremes.

Belongs to early ripening varieties, the first fruits appear after 110 - 115 days from the first leaves, reach a height of 1.2 - 1.5 m. 4-6 ovaries are formed on one brush, the bush requires garter, pinching and top dressing.

The appearance of the tomato is very attractive. It resembles a pear in shape, pale pink in technical ripeness, after reaching full maturity it becomes rich - raspberry with burgundy notes. On the fruits there is a slight ribbing, especially pronounced in the stalk. The mass is relatively small, from 120 to 200 gr., But despite the fact that one bush forms 7 to 9 brushes, the overall result is quite impressive.

Attention: to get the crop early, you have to grow through seedlings.

A distinctive feature of the variety is stable fruiting, regardless of weather conditions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main feature, which is called summer residents, is expressed in one word - unpretentious. To this it is worth adding that the variety:

  1. Resistant to disease.
  2. Stably forms an ovary.
  3. It tolerates a lack of moisture.
  4. It does not require additional preventive measures.
  5. Perfect for spins, making sauces, tomatoes, complex salads requiring sterilization.
  6. It can be used for transportation and long-term storage.
  7. It has great taste.
  8. Seeds can be left for next year.

A relative drawback is considered to be demanding on the composition of the soil when growing through seedlings, sensitivity to a lack of mineral and organic substances, which implies regular feeding with combined fertilizers.

Tricks for abundant fruiting

Crimean rose variety tomatoes
Basically, caring for Crimean rose tomatoes is simple. Seeds for seedlings are sown from late February to mid-March. Sowing is allowed up to the first of April. For seedlings suitable soil mixture of compost, peat, sand, garden turf. You can plant in peat tablets, but then it is worth sorting the planting material, pre-treated with “Kornevin” or “Zircon”. This will give seeds a reserve of strength for a more friendly germination even before the formation of the first true leaf. The second top dressing is carried out during a pick.

Equally well take root in a greenhouse and open ground, the difference in planting time depends on the climatic conditions of a particular region. A well-lit area away from trees and shrubs is selected for the bed.It is recommended to observe the principle of alternation, for example, tomatoes feel great in the place where beans, peas, carrots, and garlic were previously grown.

Watering is carried out 2 - 3 times a week, under the root. It is necessary to pinch before watering.

It should be remembered: feeding this variety is required regularly, about 1 time in 14 days. 2 to 3 weeks before planting in open ground, gradual hardening is carried out, cassettes with seedlings are taken out to the sun in a place protected from the wind, gradually increasing the time.

Tomato Crimean rose is suitable for beginners of gardening, always pleasing with a good harvest.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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