Tomato Ksenia - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Ksenia is a Russian hybrid. With equal success, it can be grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Due to the presence of special properties and characteristics, it has won a worthy place among vegetable growers and gardeners.

Tomato Ksenia

Variety Characteristics

The variety belongs to the determinant type. This means that it can reach a strictly defined height. As a rule, no more than 1 meter. It ripens quickly after planting: from the moment of planting seeds on seedlings to full, ripe fruits, it takes only 2 months. The latest ripening does not exceed 100 days. To get the crop as early as possible, you will need to use the seedling method.

Shrub medium size, low, the number of branches is also average. The length of individual branches is about a meter. Since the variety is determinant - pruning of new shoots is not required. In each sinus, up to 6 tomatoes ripen.

The variety has a very high yield. With proper care of the plants, it is realistic to get from 1 m2 - 18 kg!

Ksenia tomatoes have a rounded, slightly flat shape. On the surface you can see a slight ribbing. The difference in the variety is the absence of a green spot in the peduncle. Juicy, bright red tomatoes are able to reach a mass of 130-150 grams.

The tomato has a juicy, tender flesh. Sweet-sour taste distinguishes it from other varieties. Perfectly suitable for fresh consumption, as well as in the form of canned food, pickles, pastes, juices. Especially tasty is the tomato juice from this variety.

Advantages of the Ksenia variety

Due to its positive qualities, the variety is approved by many vegetable gardeners. The advantages include:

  1. Early ripening of fruits.
  2. Very high yield.
  3. It tolerates transportation at different distances, is resistant to mechanical damage, while maintaining its presentation.
  4. Immunity to diseases, especially to fungal infections.
  5. Great taste.

Due to the above advantages, the variety is popular for growing for sale, is in demand among consumers.

Features of growing varieties

Before planting tomatoes in a constant place of growth, you need to prepare seedlings. The best time for sowing seeds is the beginning of spring - March. Seeds are sown in specially prepared containers, periodically moistening the soil. To create a greenhouse effect and faster germination, cover with a film on top.

Features of growing tomatoes Ksenia

After sizing seeds, the film can be removed. The container with sprouts should be located in a sunny, well-lit place - this will accelerate the growth of seedlings. Organic fertilizers are ideal for this variety.

Attention! For better survival and growth, it is recommended to plant seedlings in those places where garlic, dill, cauliflower, carrots previously grew.

Care for the variety "Xenia"

In general, the variety does not require special care. It includes the usual care routines for all tomatoes:

  • timely, moderate watering,
  • weeding,
  • loosening the soil
  • fertilizer application: both mineral and inorganic,
  • garter bushes to supports,
  • thinning bushes
  • inspection of plants for the presence of diseases and pests.

Particular attention should be paid to tying to supports, so that under the weight of the fruits the branches of the shrub remain unharmed.

The plant loves watering. After each moistening of the soil, it is imperative to loosen the ground so that moisture in the soil remains for a long time.Fertilize tomatoes is required at least three times a season.

Due attention must also be paid to weed removal. Weeding is necessary so that only the plant receives the right amount of nutrients for development and growth. It is worth periodically inspecting shrubs for diseases or pests.

The opinion of summer residents about the variety "Ksenia"

Taking into account the reviews about this variety of tomatoes, we can conclude: the variety is grown not only in Russia. He gained distribution and abroad. In particular, in Ukraine, in Moldova.

  1. Oksana, 40 years old: Planted a variety this year. I was surprised, first of all, by the early and friendly ripening of all fruits and their quantity. For all the time of my vegetable growing, there have never been so many ripe, tasty fruits in one season. At the same time, the variety is not demanding in care, loves organic fertilizers. I try to use them in my care. I advise you to try to grow a variety of "Ksenia" and beginners.
  2. Svetlana P., 43 years old: I have been planting Ksenia for 2 years in a row, I have no problems with this variety. I then sell the vegetables to the market, are sold with a bang.

Video: how often and how much to water tomatoes?

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