Tomato Kubyshka - description and characteristics of the variety

In this article, we will consider one of the most unpretentious varieties of tomatoes that many farmers love for their unpretentiousness in soil and care, as well as for their divine taste.

Tomato Egg


  1. Determinant, or undersized variety. The height usually does not exceed 60-70 centimeters, which means that the Pod can be planted in small sizes of the greenhouse.
  2. The average time required to keep up. The fruits can be tasted about 110 days after planting.
  3. Resistance to temperature changes. Excellent tolerance of cooling, warming and increased humidity.
  4. Unassuming in care.

The color of the fruit can vary from pink to red. The shape of the tomato is round, slightly flattened, the mass is about 0.1 kg. From one square meter, you can collect 2.5 kg of tomatoes.


A distinctive feature of this tomato variety is that you can’t just take and plant the seeds in the ground. Saplings need to be sown, and the farther south, the better. This will contribute to the accelerated growth of the plant, because everything that grows on this planet needs sunshine and heat.

Seedlings are recommended to be prepared one and a half months before the intended planting in the ground. Fruits can be preserved. When landing, you need to remember a few rules:

  1. The distance between the seedlings should be about 65 centimeters, from 5 to 6 bushes of tomato can be planted per square meter. The ideal scheme is landing 70 by 30-40 cm.
  2. As already mentioned, this variety is not afraid of moisture, so you should not panic if you happened to overfill the soil. On the contrary, drought will affect the development of Kubyshka even worse. It is worth watering as necessary, if you notice dryness, you can safely take a watering can in your hand and go to the greenhouse.
  3. For better plant growth, and we are not only talking about Eggplant, it is recommended to regularly weed the earth. The roots do not have to spend effort on paving the way, which means that the root system will be stronger. Also, chemical elements will fill the soil faster, which fill the air.
  4. You will have to timely prevent your tomatoes from various diseases (remember: Kubyshka has excellent resistance to nightshade diseases).

Possible diseases Kushysh bushes and how to deal with them

No plant is immune to disease. Diseases can be different: a plant can become infected with a virus (both fungal and bacterial). This can be understood by the leaves: if they changed their color, covered with some kind of specks or stripes, the edges of the leaves twisted or swollen - the plant gives a signal that something is wrong with it. Remember that all these properties can manifest themselves with a banal lack of vitamins or nutrients. Consider the most common diseases.

Possible diseases of the bushes

Late blight
The disease most commonly encountered by inexperienced gardeners. Such an illness provokes pathogenic fungi. If you suddenly notice that the leaves turn black and crumble, immediately start treating a bush of tomatoes, otherwise you run the risk of trite to remain without a crop, which we definitely do not need.

The traditional method of treatment is the treatment of the bush with specialized solutions that can be purchased at garden stores. Phytosporin, Pseudobacterin-2, Bactofit and Strobi are usually recommended for these purposes.

Another type of plant disease provoked by fungi. Fruits or stems of bushes are usually damaged. The treatment is to treat the plant with chemical compounds that kill the fungus. Such as Switch, Fundazol, and Euparen will do.

A disease manifesting itself in yellowing of leaves. Hue can vary from light yellow to dark colors. Another disease that occurs due to fungi, as well as due to improper care. Most likely you are transfusing a plant. Treatment coincides with previous diseases, treatment with antifungal solutions.

It differs from fungal diseases in that the virus infects the entire bush. It manifests itself in a change in the shade of the leaves to yellow (it may become stained), the plant is also covered with a touch of light shade, which kills the plant at a frantic speed, so you need to act quickly. The affected bush should be separated from others, placed in quarantine. The place where the bush sat should be decontaminated with a solution of manganese, and again the bush itself must be treated with disinfecting solutions.

Prevention is important. To do this, follow the agricultural “safety precautions” and recommendations, and regularly check your tomato bushes.

Video: Kubyshka tomatoes

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