Tomato Doll Masha - description and characteristics of the variety

When the season comes, all gardeners and gardeners think about planting certain varieties. There are many different vegetables and plants, and each variety has its own advantages. This article will discuss specifically the hybrid tomato variety "Doll Masha."

Tomato Doll Masha

Grade description

These tomatoes were bred by specialists from Russia. The variety was specially invented in order for people to grow crops in greenhouses. However, in the open, bushes can grow and produce a small crop. It can be grown in any region of Russia, and residents of many cities have long loved these tasty and juicy tomatoes. The variety is particularly well established in the southern regions of the country.

This plant is quite high and can reach a height of about 0.6-0.9 m. As a rule, tomatoes in this tomato variety ripen from 95 to 110 days. The plant survives a disease such as verticillosis very well.

Plant fruit

If we consider the tomato "Doll Masha" in a mature state, then you can notice some distinctive features by which this variety can be compared with others. The color of the ripe fetus will be bright pink. If you weigh a tomato, then its weight will be about 0.2-0.25 kg, which is pretty good. In addition, such tomatoes are very juicy and tasty. Each fruit contains 4-6 chambers and about 5% of dry components.

You can add that ripe tomatoes of this variety are quite tasty, even if you try them directly from the garden. All this is due to the beneficial properties that the fetus has.

Largely due to their good and large sizes, tomatoes are ideal for preparing various preparations for the winter or delicious juices and tomato pastes.


There are some features of this variety. They must be taken into account by experienced breeders, as well as beginners who just want to grow this tomato in their summer cottage.

Firstly, these tomatoes are sung quite early. Secondly, one plant can bring its owner about 8 kg of tomatoes, which can be considered a pretty good indicator. In addition, the fruits of the tomato "Doll Masha" do not need pinching.

The leaves of the plant, as well as the fruit itself, have rather large forms. The stem is strong and thick enough, therefore, it is easily able to withstand even the heaviest fruits of a tomato, up to 250 g. If we talk about insufficiently ripe and completely immature tomato, it has a light green color. In one brush, plants can grow from one to six fruits.

It is also worth noting that these tomatoes are well resistant to various movements. Due to their useful and nutritious properties, they are able not to lose their fresh appearance, but remain as juicy and tasty.

Fetal benefits

Advantages of Tomatoes Doll Masha
There are many reviews on the Internet, having read which, you can select for yourself a list of the advantages of this hybrid. You can start with the fact that the ripening period of the fruit is quite short. And this is a very big plus, as you can enjoy juicy ripe tomatoes after two months from the moment of planting.

As mentioned earlier, the fetus tolerates a disease such as verticillosis well and without problems. And this means that the variety "Doll Masha" has a fairly strong immune system that protects the plant from certain diseases.

Almost all people can afford this variety. This is due to the fact that caring for the plant will not take much time and effort. And, therefore, anyone can cope with this process without problems.In addition, these tomatoes do not need to be fed with special complex minerals.


Despite such a huge number of different beneficial properties, this tomato variety has some disadvantages, albeit not entirely significant.

  1. The fruits of the doll "Masha Doll" can not be grown on open ground, as they will not take root there.
  2. Despite the rather easy procedure of care, do not forget about regular watering of the plant. These tomatoes are very demanding on this process.
  3. In addition, tomatoes need a sufficient amount of light in order to grow normally and give large fruits.


Tomatoes Doll Masha F1
In order for the cultivation process to be as successful as possible, one must not forget about some points:

  1. Watering the plant is best after dinner, that is, in the afternoon.
  2. Tomatoes need a sufficient amount of oxygen, so the earth must be loosened periodically.
  3. To speed up the process of tomato growth a little, you can mulch the soil.

Sometimes you can hear from gardeners, supposedly Colorado beetles began to sit on the fruits of a tomato. The solution to the problem is a soap solution that should be wiped with leaves.


  1. Ivan, 30 years old: Hello everyone! About 3 months ago I bought hybrids of this variety. I did not expect tomatoes to grow so quickly, after all, only 2 months have passed. I was very pleased. The fruits themselves are very sweet and juicy. My whole family is very happy!
  2. Andrei Petrovich, 32 years old: About a year ago, I bought the Kumla Masha tomato variety, and after planting, I was extremely disappointed with the result. This year I again decided to try my luck, but this time luck smiled at me. The fruits are big and delicious! I will certainly buy more hybrids!

Video: tomato varieties Doll Masha F1

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