Tomato merchant - description and characteristics of the variety

With the advent of the new season, most summer residents and gardeners are trying to update, as well as replenish the arsenal of crops grown by them. Tomatoes in this case are no exception. As a rule, when choosing seeds, summer residents try to acquire undemanding varieties that would perfectly tolerate different weather conditions. Also, tomato varieties that have high yields are in great demand and popularity.

Tomato Tradeswoman

A tomato called the Tradeswoman is an early-ripening variety, the planting of which in its suburban area allows you to get a good harvest with proper care. The main feature of this variety is that it can be quite successfully grown both in a “closed way” (in a greenhouse) and in open soil.


Fruits can be used for different purposes (processing, canning, fresh consumption). This tomato variety is early ripe, and the first crop after planting can be obtained after about 90 days.

Variety tomato Tradeswoman f1 is perfect for both growing in open ground and for planting in a greenhouse. The plant reaches a height of up to 1 m, and many large-sized fruits can be located on its stems. As a rule, about 6 fruits may appear on the hand. Therefore, during the cultivation of this variety of tomatoes, as the plant grows, it is recommended to periodically tie the bushes.

Tomato Merchant is a hybrid variety, it tolerates long-term storage and long transportation. Fruits have a rounded, slightly flattened shape and have a smooth surface. The pulp of vegetables has an average density level. The ripe fruit acquires a rich, beautiful, pronounced red hue. The mass of tomatoes can reach 250 gr., And the number of so-called seed nests is up to 6 pieces.

Despite the fact that this tomato variety can be quite successfully grown on open and closed ground, nevertheless, its productivity indicators for different cultivation methods are slightly different. Yield indicators of a Kupchikha tomato under open-field cultivation are not more than 17 kg per 1 square meter. The yield of this plant, if grown in a greenhouse, is slightly less, and is about 15 kg per square meter.


The main advantage possessed by tomatoes called the Tradeswoman is both unpretentiousness and endurance of the impact of atmospheric influence. In addition, this variety has the following advantages:

  1. Increased resistance to sudden changes in ambient temperature.
  2. Resistance to sharp fluctuations in humidity in the air.
  3. Do not require the stepsoning procedure.
  4. The fruits ripen almost simultaneously.
  5. Good rates of transportation and storage.
  6. Resistance to the most common diseases.

Growing recommendations

Tomato cultivation recommendations Tradeswoman
Due to the unpretentiousness and endurance, the tomato of the Merchant, they can be successfully grown both in the summer cottage and on an industrial scale. You can get a good crop of this tomato variety even under growing conditions on heavy, humus-poor soil.

According to the unwritten law of crop rotation, tomatoes are best grown in areas where cucumber, onions, beans or carrots used to grow. On an area of ​​one square meter, you can plant no more than four bushes of tomato.

When the formation of fruits begins, plants can be periodically fed with mineral fertilizers.To increase the productivity of the soil on which tomatoes are grown, it is necessary to weed and eliminate weeds. To ensure air exchange in the root system of the plant, it is recommended from time to time to loosen the soil.

Attention! Watering the soil around the plant is not recommended. Otherwise, when it is oversaturated with moisture, the bush begins to slow down its growth. In addition, an excess of moisture in the soil provokes the appearance of tomato late blight in the bushes. For watering tomatoes, it is recommended to use warm water, which has settled in the tank for several days.

Care Tips

To get an early crop of a tomato of the merchant class, the seeds of the plant are recommended to be placed in the soil for growing seedlings. This should be done with the advent of spring, preferably in March. The temperature regime of air, which is suitable for growing seedlings, is about 22 degrees Celsius. During cultivation, seedlings need to be fed complex fertilizers several times. Before planting seedlings in open soil, about 7 days before planting, it must be hardened. To do this, it is taken out into the street in the daytime.

The soil into which the seedlings are planted should be loose, light and fertile, rich in minerals. It is recommended during planting or before planting seedlings to additionally fertilize it with a small amount of mineral fertilizers. During the formation of the fruit, the plant needs to be fed with fertilizers and periodically fed. Watering tomatoes should be stable and moderate, without excess moisture in the soil. It is necessary to irrigate with warm water and preferably in the evening, after the sun has begun to set.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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