Tomato Merchant - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Merchant is a mid-season semi-determinant hybrid variety that is grown mainly in any shelter from the film, in more rare cases - in the beds. The plant gives large fruits and a large number of crops.

Tomato Merchant

How to grow

The variety is grown from seedlings. Seeds are sown in the last days of March, or in the first week of April. Before planting the seed, it is recommended to process it using an aqueous solution of the agave and growth stimulator. Then the seeds are planted in the ground. It is necessary that the temperature of the soil is from 25 to 27 degrees. Seedlings emerge after one and a half weeks. The hybrid variety has a high sensitivity to sharp temperature fluctuations - germination is lost at low temperature.

First you need to prepare the soil mixture, including in its composition the following components:

  • peat;
  • sand;
  • sawdust of wood;
  • lime;
  • charcoal, which must be ground before this.

The prepared soil is poured into containers, then it must be tamped a little and pour water at room temperature. On the surface, make furrows one centimeter deep, into which the seed must be laid at a distance of one and a half centimeters from each other. Then, a 50 mm layer of the nutrient mixture should be poured onto the surface, and cover the container with a film, which can be removed after the first shoots appear. In some phases of seedling formation, it is recommended to lower the temperature to stimulate the formation of inflorescences.

When seedlings are planted in the ground, you need to make sure that no more than four bushes are located on one square meter. Before planting seedlings, water the soil with dissolved potassium humate.

It is recommended to care for the hybrid variety in the following way:

  1. Water regularly with warm water.
  2. Loosen the soil.
  3. Use mineral top dressing.
  4. Maintain low air humidity (for this purpose, watering the bushes should be carried out in the evening hours - after the sun sets).
  5. Remove weed grass.

Grade characteristics

This tomato variety has a medium early ripening period. Fruiting begins 82-127 days after germination of seedlings.

The plant is semi-determinant with an average number of brushes. The leaf color is green. The surface is glossy, slightly corrugated. The formation of the first flower stalk occurs at the level of the ninth leaf, and the following inflorescences are formed through one or two leaves.

Crop description

Variety tomatoes Merchant F1
The shape of the merchant tomato is round. The fruits are smooth, large. The pulp is characterized by density, juiciness and meatiness. The color of an unripe tomato is light green. When a tomato ripens, its color becomes saturated red. With a horizontal cut, you can see that the fruit contains four or more chambers with grains.

Tomatoes reach a weight of 114-150 grams. The variety gives a large number of crops - from one square meter you can collect from 11 to 14 kilograms of tomatoes. If you grow a plant in a heated industrial glasshouse, the yield rises to 40-45 kilograms of tomatoes per square meter.

Merchant tomatoes are used in many areas of cooking. They are consumed fresh, prepared from them salads, canned for the winter.

Positive traits

Variety Merchant is a relatively recent development of breeders. However, he had already established himself well and earned a large number of positive reviews from gardeners. Of the advantages of this hybrid variety, gardeners distinguish the following:

  1. A large number of crops.
  2. Fruits are stored for a long time (up to six months fresh).
  3. The plant is resistant to many diseases of tomatoes: fusarium and the tobacco mosaic virus.

You can learn more about the main characteristics and advantages of the variety by reading the reviews of experienced gardeners:

Reviews gardeners

  1. Anna Mikhailovna, 45 years old: The hybrid variety was a pleasant surprise for our family of experienced gardeners. We got a lot of big tomatoes. However, this is not all. The main advantage is an incredibly long shelf life. Having harvested in the summer, you can keep it fresh in the refrigerator until the New Year holidays (the taste does not deteriorate).
  2. Maria Sergeevna, 37 years old: Variety Merchant planned to grow for a long time, seeing a lot of reviews about it on the forums of gardeners. Living in the Urals, I know that in our area you can grow tomatoes only in greenhouses. Variety Merchant is great for this. Otherwise, it is undemanding, easy to care for.

Numerous reviews also indicate the excellent taste characteristics of tomatoes, the resistance of the hybrid variety to viruses and fungal diseases.

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