Tomato Tender Bear - description and characteristics of the variety

Hybrid Tender Misha has several advantages over other tomatoes. One of the advantages of this culture is resistance to Fusarium, tobacco mosaic, apical rot. Fruits are distinguished by long shelf life, resistance to transportation over long distances.

Tomato Tender Misha


The plant belongs to the determinant species. The bush, as a rule, does not exceed 75 cm. The tomato does not require special care. In order to get the maximum yield, it is enough to follow certain recommendations exactly.

  1. The plant does not like heavy watering, as this can lead to rotting of the roots. Bushes are watered no more than once a week, drip irrigation is preferred, without the use of hoses and watering cans.
  2. Although this plant belongs to the determinant variety, it is desirable to tie it to a vertical support. Tying will help reduce pressure on the stem, which will allow all the energy of the plant to be directed to the development of the fruit. Garter also makes spraying more effective, the plant will receive more light, the risk of decay and the occurrence of fungal diseases will be significantly reduced.
  3. This is a relatively early ripe hybrid. Harvesting is carried out already 95 days after transplanting seedlings in open ground. The fruits have a rounded, slightly ribbed shape. When ripe, they acquire a bright red hue. The tomato has a high palatability, fleshy flesh, moderate hardness. Fruits have six chambers and a small amount of seeds.

The bush is covered with dark green leaves. As a rule, the fruits do not lose all their qualities for two months after harvest. If tomatoes are grown for commercial purposes and will be transported, then the fruits are harvested in a state of technical maturity.

Cultivation and care

It is best to start planting seeds in the second half of March. The following components are used as soil:

  • Coconut substrate - 4.5 liters.
  • Soil mix - 10 l.
  • Half a liter of biohumus.
  • One handful of vermiculite.

Sowing seeds
When planting seeds, they must be spread evenly on the soil surface, and then sprinkled with a five-millimeter layer of loose earth. There is no need for watering, if desired, you can occasionally spray with a small amount of water. Then the container is covered with a film and left in a warm place until the first shoots appear. As a rule, the first sprouts form on the 7-10th day.

Planting seedlings in open ground
Plants are planted in open ground in the first half of June. Seedlings at this moment should reach 25-30 cm.

Planting tomato seedlings Affectionate bear in the open ground

  1. Digging holes for transplanting in advance. They should not be too deep. If desired, organic fertilizers can be added to the wells, this will help accelerate the development of the root system. At least two liters of water are poured into each hole. Water the bush three days after planting.
  2. Low air and soil temperatures negatively affect crop yields. Plants are mulched with straw or covered with a film. Tomatoes are planted in open ground in early June.
  3. The fruits of the tomatoes Tender Misha have a pleasant sweet taste. Thick peel can successfully preserve this variety. Also made from tomatoes dressings, ketchups, sauces, juice.
  4. It is recommended to regularly feed bushes with complex fertilizers. To improve the quality of the tomato bushes spud. Hilling provokes root growth, which in turn increases the number of ovaries on the plant.

Tomatoes in all axils of the leaves, starting from the first true leaf, may appear shoots that are fragments of the central shoot and have the same type of growth. On such additional shoots, leaves and fruit brushes also develop - this is stepsons. If you do not control their number, then the bush is very thick.

  1. An important point is the bush planting. The stepson is a process that is located between the stem of the plant and the leaf.
  2. If stepsons are not removed, part of the nutrients will be spent on their development, which will significantly slow down the development of the fruit.
  3. Tomatoes from leaf axils usually grow extra shoots - stepsons. As a result, plantings are overly thickened, resistance to diseases decreases - tomatoes are not aired well and excess moisture creates an excellent environment for the development of late blight and other diseases, and productivity decreases.
  4. To regulate the growth of shoots, it is necessary to apply the herding of tomatoes.
  5. Stepson's brushes give an ovary, and the plants are heavily overloaded. Because of this, the fruits become smaller in size.
  6. It happens that the stepson begins to grow more actively than others and becomes the leading shoot. Such stepsons are best left.

It should also be remembered that excessive pinching is also dangerous: plants lose their regenerative abilities, which is dangerous if damaged by pests. Tomatoes Affectionate Misha are characterized by stable productivity in all weather conditions.

Video: Tender Misha F1 tomatoes

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