Tomato Summer Garden - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes are one of the most common vegetable crops. They contain many useful elements. In addition, they can be used both fresh and in the form of blanks. Most tomato varieties are great for winter snacks.

Tomato Summer Garden

Due to such popularity and relevance of culture, breeders are constantly working on creating new, better varieties. Tomato "Summer Garden" belongs to new varieties of tomatoes.


This variety belongs to very early hybrids. In addition, it is universal: it can be grown both in greenhouse conditions, in a greenhouse, and in an open area.

Grow a variety using seedlings. Germinated seeds can be planted on a permanent place of growth already on the 50th day. About a month later, ovaries appear, and a mature crop can be harvested 3 weeks after the formation of the ovaries.

This variety distinguishes one feature: the gradual ripening of fruits throughout the entire time.

Among the main qualities, which are the indisputable advantage of the variety, the following are distinguished:

  1. A high level of yield - from an area of ​​1 m2 it is really possible to get a crop weighing 17 kg. And from one bush you can completely collect up to 4 kg.
  2. Good immunity to diseases and pests.
  3. Carpal maturation of the ovaries.
  4. Low growth of the bush - up to half a meter, greatly facilitates the care of the plant.
  5. No stepson required.

In addition to this, the variety is unpretentious in care.

Fruits: Description

Shrub tomato variety "Summer Garden" looks great, has an aesthetic, elegant look. Compact bushes are dotted with round, bright red fruits with the presence of an orange tint.

On each brush from 5 to 8 pieces of fruit ripen. The weight of a single tomato varies from 100 to 140 grams. Inside the fruit there are many chambers with seeds. The fruits are fleshy, with a dense and soft peel.

Planting and care

The best time for planting is mid-spring, to be more precise - the second half of April. The seeds of the Summer Garden cultivar give germination over all 4–5 years.

Before planting, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate, after which the seeds are dried. For germination, two methods are used: in a container with warm water, or in wet gauze. In the second case, it is important to constantly monitor the degree of moisture of the material, as otherwise the seeds may not germinate.

If you select the first method of germination, it should be borne in mind that the seeds can be kept in containers with water for no more than 18 hours. With a lack of oxygen, they simply "run out of steam."

Planting Tomatoes Summer Garden

When the seeds have swollen, they need to be transplanted into special containers for seedlings. Take out carefully and preferably with your hands so as not to damage. Place at a depth of not more than 1.5 cm. It is imperative to provide good lighting.

Every day you need to check the degree of humidity of the earth. A very important point: timely place the grown seedlings in separate pots. In connection with the rapid growth of the root system, you can simply get confused in it and if it is untangled, it can be damaged, thereby destroying future tomatoes.

Further care:

  1. When planting seedlings in open ground, care should be taken to properly illuminate future plants. Tomato refers to thin, delicate vegetable crops. He does not tolerate direct scorching rays of the sun. This fact should be taken into account when placing on a garden plot. It is recommended to create shading using newspapers or other materials.Thus, you protect the plant from burns and at the same time provide access to a sufficient amount of light.
  2. The age of seedlings for planting at a constant place of growth should be at least 50 days. When planting, it is necessary to maintain a distance between plants: 30 cm between the roots and at least half a meter between the rows. Plant only after the final cessation of frost.
  3. Mandatory care includes: timely moistening of the soil, loosening of the earth, application of fertilizing.

Tips for growing varieties in temperate climates

Obviously, when planting and growing any crop, it is worth taking into account climatic conditions. For areas with a temperate climate it is recommended:

  1. Seed in the second half of April or the first half of March.
  2. Planting seedlings at a constant place of growth - not earlier than mid-June.
  3. When the culture begins to bloom, fertilize sulphates into the soil.
  4. The second feeding occurs at the first formation of the fruit.

By following these simple recommendations and providing proper care, you can grow excellent tomatoes, which are equally good for fresh consumption and for canning.

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