Tomato Lezhebok - description and characteristics of the variety

The tomato variety Lezhebok is a hybrid that was bred by breeders from Russia. It gives a large amount of harvest - from each bush you can collect up to 6-6.5 kg of tomatoes. The variety is a relatively recent development, but it has already gained wide popularity among gardeners. The plant is planted in a greenhouse, any film shelter, in open beds.

Tomato Lezhebok

Grade characteristics

The variety has a mid-early ripening period. The number of leaves on the bush is average. It grows to 1-1.2 meters in height, is formed in two stems. A plant with an intermediate inflorescence. It gives a lot of harvest - from each root an average of five kilograms of ripe fruits is obtained.

Tomatoes have a rounded, slightly flattened shape. The mass of one fruit is from 120 to 140 grams. Since tomatoes do not have a large amount of juice, they are dense and meaty, have a long shelf life. What is typical for hybrid varieties - they have an excellent sour-sweet taste. The skin is smooth, rich red color.

Tomatoes are well transported without losing their taste and appearance. If you store the crop in a dry, cold place, you can enjoy delicious tomatoes until the New Year.

Application area

The fruits of the first harvest are best consumed fresh, or prepare salads from them. The following fees are used for preservation, pickling, salting, cooking a variety of winter preparations. Since there is no excess moisture in the fruits, and the skin is dense, Lezhebok tomatoes do not crack during heat treatment.

How to prepare seeds

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be done in late March - in early April. To obtain a large number of crops, not only high-quality seed material is needed, but also some skills and knowledge of the gardener. Before sowing seeds, they must be decontaminated.

There are almost no visual differences between sick grains of vegetable culture from healthy ones. Therefore, it will be more expedient, first of all, to disinfect the seed. In order to destroy pests that are in the seeds, as well as on their surface, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. Wet. In this case, a manganese solution is used. To prepare it, you should take 500 ml of warm water and one small spoon of manganese powder. Seeds should be put in solution and left there for 30 minutes at room temperature. After this, the seeds should be washed well and dried.
  2. Dry. With this method, the seeds are taken out into the open air for several days - when heated by the sun, the seed is disinfected, making it grow faster.

How to plant and care

How to plant and care for tomato Lezhebok
Any container is suitable for planting seedlings. Experienced gardeners prefer to choose containers made of plastic with separate cups - in the future, you will not need to dive young tomatoes, so their roots will not be disturbed.

After planting tomato seeds, regular watering and top dressing of seedlings is required. After the appearance of the first true leaves of the plant, the container with tomatoes must be evenly turned to the sun's rays every two days, otherwise the bushes will grow one-sided.

How to prepare the ground

If the garden is located near a motorway or railway, it is advisable to choose the soil further from the gassed areas. The soil should not contain substances that can harm the plant. Tomatoes are highly sensitive to acidity.

You can buy a ready-made soil mixture containing useful elements. If you do not have sufficient experience in growing such a vegetable crop, you can consult experienced gardeners.

How to plant tomatoes on beds

To transfer seedlings to a permanent place when growing in open beds should only be after the spring frost ends. Tomatoes - a plant that loves heat and does not tolerate cold. To obtain a large number of crops, it is necessary to regularly water and fertilize plantings, as well as remove weed grass.

The opinion of gardeners

Gardeners who already cultivated Lezhebok tomatoes on their plots respond, as a rule, about it extremely positively. The harvest is stored for a long time, the fruits remain fresh, without spoiling or bursting, they have excellent taste data. If you properly care for the vegetable crop, you can get a rich crop of tomatoes.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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