Tomato Loggain F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Logeyne tomatoes were bred in the first half of the last century in Holland and were intended for breeding in countries with a hot climate. Nevertheless, in recent years, the variety has gained well-deserved popularity among Russian gardeners due to its outstanding yield and excellent taste of fruits.

Tomato Loggain F1

Brief description of the variety

Loggain is a hybrid tomato variety, when it was created, breeders selected the best qualities from their parent varieties, and, above all, this is the ability to bear a large number of fruits and actively resist diseases. The plant has increased immunity, good tolerance to hot and dry weather.

The variety is determinant, plants do not stretch up, their average height is only about 70 cm, while one of the outstanding characteristics of a tomato is a very powerful trunk that can withstand a significant load and a developed root system. The leaves are medium or large in size, slightly rough and bumpy, similar to potato tops; color - deep green. Each bush gives up to 9 kg of tomatoes; usually at least 92% of the fruits from one bush have marketable qualities.

Fruit Description

The fruits of the Logan variety are round-oval in shape. The peel of tomatoes is dense, smooth with a weak ribbing, dark red color. The fruits tolerate storage very well and have an excellent sweet taste without hints of acid or bitterness. Tomatoes are large-fruited, on average they gain 200 g, but can weigh 350 g. The solids content in the fruits is at least 7%.

It is believed that tomatoes of this variety are quite versatile in use. They are best used fresh, they are an excellent ingredient in summer salads. But you can also use them for canning - they make tomato paste, juices, baby food. Due to the dense skin as a whole, they are not canned.

Features of agricultural technology

Logan tomatoes can be grown and seedlings, and immediately sown at the place of growth. In this case, they are planted in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of about 40 cm. To improve germination, seeds are sown to 6 in each well. If possible, on top of the holes you can use special devices to retain heat. A more economical way is to close the plantings with plastic bottles.

Recommended by specialists is a seedling method. About 2 months before planting in the soil, the seeds are planted in a container with garden soil mixed with chernozem, sawdust and compost, deepened by 1.5-2 cm with an interval between holes of 40 cm, and between rows - 50 cm. Pre-soak the seeds not required, but it is recommended to treat with substances to accelerate growth.

After sowing the seeds, the soil is moistened. It is recommended at the same time to create a greenhouse effect, using a plastic film for this purpose (removed after emergence). After about a week or a half, the first loops of the plants appear. To obtain high-quality seedlings, the soil temperature is maintained at 15 degrees, air - 22 degrees.

Growing tomatoes Logan F1

Shoots are regularly watered and ventilated. If seedlings are grown in small containers, after the appearance of two true leaves, they will dive, transplanting into more spacious containers. Picking can be avoided with the help of peat-humus tablets, in which seedlings can be grown throughout the entire period. The main conditions for seedling growth are temperature conditions (20-25 days, 15-18 degrees at night), providing a light source up to 14 hours a day, and drafts control.

A week before, before planting seedlings in the soil, it is good to harden - reduce the air temperature to 15-17 degrees. One square meter of a bed holds up to 3 bushes. Plants regularly stepson, forming a bush in 2-3 stems. Tomatoes do not require any special care. To ensure good root development, the soil is regularly loosened for better aeration and plants are fed with mineral or organic fertilizers with an interval of about 2 weeks during the growth period. During the flowering and ripening of tomatoes, the use of organic substances is not recommended. Water the bushes should only be warm water, preferably in the morning. The first fruits ripen at the end of July, the harvest is harvested until the end of September. During the formation of fruits, tomatoes require garter, since the abundance of large fruits can lead to breakage of the stems.

The variety is famous for its resistance to disease. In particular, he is not afraid of leaf spot and powdery mildew, apical rot and fusarium.

The opinion of gardeners

Gardeners who bought Loggain tomatoes usually praise it for its high yield and excellent fruit taste, which are good to use both raw and after heat treatment. Survey respondents noted that the strong immunity of the variety and its immunity to the main diseases of tomatoes save their time and money. This variety is an excellent acquisition for individual farms, as well as for professional tomato cultivation.

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