Tomato Lokomotiv - description and characteristics of the variety

The locomotive belongs to early ripening varieties. As a rule, the crop can be harvested on 85-90 days from the moment of planting seedlings in open ground. This variety can be successfully grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions, this will not have a significant impact on productivity. Fruits are ideal for whole-canning. Locomotive tomatoes are well transported and stored after harvest for up to two weeks.

Tomato Locomotive

Grade description

The bushes are low, compact, up to 70 cm in height. A flower brush is laid after 7-9 of this leaf. In the brush, 12-15 oblong fruits are formed. After heat treatment, the fruit does not lose its structure, remains as dense and elastic, unlike other grades.


  • High palatability.
  • Early ripening.
  • The fruits ripen at the same time, which allows you to harvest the entire crop at a time.
  • It can be transported over long distances.
  • Long shelf life.
  • Resistance to a large number of diseases.

When landing, it must be borne in mind that there should not be more than three copies per square meter. With proper care and a favorable climate, up to fourteen kilograms of raw materials can be collected from one such meter.

Fruit characterization

The hallmark of this variety is its bizarre pear-shaped elongated shape. The weight of the ripe fruit reaches 155 g. When ripe, the berry acquires a light red hue. The pulp is fleshy, of moderate hardness.

The variety is popular due to the fact that tomatoes can be preserved and fermented whole. The dense peel prevents the tomato from spreading and cracking during heat treatments. These tomatoes are also used in the preparation of juice, snacks, ketchups, etc.

If transportation over long distances is planned, then the fruits must be harvested in a state of technical maturity.

Growing and further care

There are two ways to grow early tomatoes on a plot: from seeds and from seedlings. For seedlings, the seeds are planted in the second half of March (possible in early April) in a special container, moistened and covered with a film. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the container is rearranged on the windowsill.

Growing tomatoes Locomotive

  1. The first month of growth is the most important in plant care. Harvesting ripe fruits begins in late June.
  2. Planting seedlings is possible only when the final frost has finally passed. Otherwise, the plants may be stunted. When growing seedlings, it is advisable to process the seeds, they must be placed in a non-concentrated solution of potassium permanganate for 10 minutes.
  3. In the first days of planting, the plant needs the most active watering. And throughout the growth period, regular and plentiful watering is required.
  4. Seeds are sown in 200 g cups. Seedlings in the phase of 3-4 leaves are transplanted into 500 ml cups.

Planting seedlings does not require great skills and experience, but still you need to know the basic rules and nuances, without which it will not be possible to grow a lush plant.

Pots for seedlings can be of various diameters. The soil mixture should be decontaminated with a potassium permanganate solution or frozen.

A common reason for stopping tomato growth is irregular watering. Under natural conditions, they usually prefer to dwell on moist soils. To find out when it is time for the next watering, look at the soil in the pot. If the top layer of the earth is dry, then it's time to water the pike tail.


Important! Do not allow stagnation of water when growing seedlings, otherwise the roots in the pots can rot.

  1. To increase humidity, seedlings are placed in a container with wet expanded clay. In order for the plant to feel comfortable, it must always have optimal air humidity, which must be maintained by regular spraying.
  2. Sometimes it happens that plants rot from the spread of soft bacterial rot. In this case, diseased plants should be removed, the soil treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Be sure to cultivate the earth with any fungicide.
  3. The temperature during the growing process should range from twenty to twenty-five degrees.

Now the reader knows how to grow an early tomato Lokomotiv from seedlings on its site. This plant does not require much attention to itself. Tomato care is not complicated, the price of planting material is moderate. Plant several bushes of early tomatoes on your summer cottage, they will provide you with delicious fruits in abundance.

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