Tomato Lord - description and characteristics of the variety

The tomato variety Lord was bred by the Siberian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics. Initially, it was intended for cultivation in Western Siberia. However, studies have shown that the variety is cultivated in other regions of Russia. Tomatoes among buyers are appreciated for their taste. Gardeners choose this variety due to the unpretentiousness of the growing conditions.

Tomato Lord

Grade characteristics

Tomato Lord is determinant. One bush of a tomato of this variety grows up to 50 centimeters, rarely - up to 60. Plant shoots do not require garter and pinching. The stalk is thick and strong. At the same time, from 7 to 9 tomatoes can ripen on one brush.

The unit weight of the fetus is from 80 to 100 grams. The shape of the tomato is ovoid, rarely round. In ripe form, the tomato has a red-orange color. The peel of the tomato does not crack, slightly ribbed at the peduncle. The pulp of the fruit is fleshy and moderately juicy. Tomato has a sweet taste with sourness. You can use it fresh, as well as processed.

Landing and care

65 days before the picking, sowing of seeds is carried out. Landing must be carried out when the air temperature reaches 25 degrees during the day. Before carrying out this procedure, the soil should be fertilized with compost, phosphorus-potassium mixtures.

The compactness of the bushes allows you to place 6-7 units per square meter. The embedment depth should be between 1 and 2 centimeters. Top must be sprinkled with a small layer of fine soil.

An important feature of the process of growing fruits of this variety is care before planting. Irrigation is carried out by standing warm water. The feeding procedure should be carried out 3 times. The latter - 10 days before landing.

A week before planting, it is necessary to conduct a hardening procedure for the shoots within 7 days. To do this, they should be placed in a room where the air temperature is 15 degrees. Planting sprouted bushes of tomatoes in the ground is necessary 25 days after the appearance of sprouts. After 2 weeks in the ground, they should be fed.

Features and varieties of top dressing

In order not to burn the roots of the bushes, the gardener should carefully study the characteristics of top dressing. It is necessary to observe the proportions of dilution of each type of fertilizer, the time of its infusion, dilution and the conditions for watering the resulting liquid.

As a top dressing of tomatoes, the Lord of Agriculture is advised to use:

  • urea
  • manure of cows;
  • chicken droppings;
  • compost;
  • yeast fertilizer;
  • egg shell infusion;
  • potassium;
  • humus;
  • bio-herbs from herbs (dandelions, nettles);
  • superfosvat;
  • nitrogenous fertilizers.

Grade Benefits

Due to many positive qualities, the Lord variety of tomatoes is popular among gardeners. The main advantages include the following.

Benefits of the Lord Tomato Variety

  1. Unpretentiousness. This variety can be grown in all regions of Russia, as well as in neighboring countries. Tomato Lord is hardy to cold and heat.
  2. Compactness. The small size allows you to place several bushes on one square meter, which helps to save land.
  3. High yield with one brush.
  4. The simplicity of cultivation and care allows new gardeners to grow this variety.
  5. Transportability makes it possible to grow fruits of this variety for sale.
  6. Resistance to many diseases.

Diseases and their prevention

The tomato variety Lord is resistant to diseases:

  • Fusarium
  • brown spotting;
  • VTM.

If there is a threat of a fungal infection, it is required to irrigate the bushes with copper sulfate or a one percent solution of Bordeaux fluid. As prevention, the following actions are carried out:

  1. Watering the soil with one percent manganese solution before planting bushes.
  2. Inspection of sprouts before transplantation.
  3. Regular ventilation of greenhouses.
  4. Cutting once every 10 days of the two lower sheets.
  5. Regular inspection of plants.
  6. Removal of affected parts of plants.
  7. Timely harvesting.
  8. The exception is the ingress of water on plants during irrigation.
  9. Carrying out preventive watering phytoncides.
  10. Tieing bushes if necessary.


  1. Ekaterina, 44 years old: Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Harvested beautiful. The tomatoes themselves are large and fleshy. Their taste is sweetish. Loved the tomatoes. I will plant more!
  2. Tanya F., 50 years old: I have been planting these amazing tomatoes for several years, there is always a crop. I grow them in a greenhouse. I like that they grow the same shape. When I salt and put it in banks, it looks beautiful. And what a yummy!

Video: proper watering of tomatoes

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