Tomato Lukoshko on the window - description and characteristics of the variety

Living in an urban environment, many want to have, albeit a small, but their own garden. But what about those who live in the apartment? Variety "Lukoshko on the window" was developed specifically for those who, instead of the garden, have a balcony or window sill with flowers.

Tomato Lukoshko on the window


Tomatoes of the "Lukoshko on a window" variety belong to early tomatoes with a ripening term from 80 to 95 days. The bush has a miniature size and does not exceed 40 centimeters in height. Small leaves have a dark green hue, which gives the plant a healthy and vital appearance. The trunk of the bush is quite strong, but sometimes it needs support because of the load of the fruits. Growing a tomato is possible in room conditions, but it also looks decorative in the open ground. The plant is quite neat, forms carpal ovaries in 9-12 rounded fruits, usually has 4 brushes.

Tomato fruits of this variety have high taste, they are very sugar. During the ripening of fruits with a limited amount of moisture, their taste is especially pronounced. Despite the miniature fruit, they withstand heat treatment and are perfect for whole preservation. Homemade blanks will look very beautiful and will add zest to your table. Fruits perfectly tolerate freezing and do not lose their properties.

Despite its small size, plants have high potential - in closed ground, the yield is up to 3 kg of tomatoes per square meter. Everyone who dealt with this variety of tomato, note that, despite the small size of the plant, it has a large yield with proper care.

During the ripening period, the fruits have a green color with a light shade, a green spot may appear on the stem. By the time of ripening, the tomatoes turn bright red and take a rounded shape.

Cultivation: Useful Tips

  1. Each planting time for each seed is determined individually, but it is worth considering that the growth period from the moment of planting the seeds until the first fruits appear is 60-80 days. If you want to get a crop by September, then planting should be done in June.
  2. The growing method is more than standard. It is worth considering that when growing tomato in a pot culture, it is necessary to use drainage, it is better to lay it on the bottom of the pot with a thickness of two to three centimeters. This will ensure root respiration and protect the plant from root rot.
  3. Growing seedlings should begin in small containers and transplant when four true leaves appear. During the growth period, as the first brushes appear, the tomato will independently regulate its growth.
  4. Like all types of nightshade crops, the Tomato on the Window tomato is unpretentious - the relative shade tolerance of the tomato allows it to grow almost all year round. But still, when stretching a plant in the winter, it can be highlighted with a special lamp for growing seedlings or picking up a lighter room. For growing plants, large pots with a volume of three liters or more are suitable.
  5. The temperature regime of cultivation ranges from 23 degrees of heat, plant growth can be disturbed when fluctuations are below 17 degrees. A decrease in heat can negatively affect the crop and lead to the appearance of diseases in the form of rotting of the root system. If the plant is grown outdoors or in the winter garden, then during the cooling period it must be covered with a film.

With dry air in the room, the plant can react negatively. The reaction to dry air is manifested by twisting the leaves or drying out the tips.To deal with this problem is quite simple, it is necessary to install water containers near the plants. Tomato responds very well to loosening the soil and fertilizing with trace elements. The variety is resistant to a complex of diseases.


  1. Nikolay, 37 years old: Once I saw photos of potted tomatoes on the Internet, I wanted to get these. Finding the tomato seeds on the market "Lukoshko on the window" was pleasantly surprised by their germination. Planting seeds did not cause much trouble. The plant is quite unpretentious, the growth rate is very pleasant. The spirit of the garden immediately settled in the room. The fruits are very tasty and pleased the grandson with their beautiful view and sweetness.
  2. Lyudmila. G., 44 years old: I decided to try to grow a tomato in the apartment. The choice fell on the tomato “A basket on the window. He was very pleased with the number of fruits and his taste. Tomatoes are very sugary and well suited for blockage.
  3. Nadezhda Sergeevna, 30 years old: I want to leave a review about the tomato "Lukoshko on the window." This variety was advised to me in a seed store. I really liked having your little garden on the windowsill. The tomato is very compact and beautiful. The fruits are tied together in large tassels. When they began to ripen, it became even more wonderful, because of the load it was necessary to come up with a support. The tomato is very tasty and looks good in salads.

Video: tomatoes of the Lukoshko variety on the window

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