Tomato Lionheart - description and characteristics of the variety

Many owners of garden plots discovered and loved the Lionheart tomato. A hybrid early ripe variety gives juicy and tasty tomatoes. Designed for cultivation in open beds, under film shelters, in unheated greenhouses. If you find a place in your garden and plant some bushes, you will not regret it.

Tomato Lionheart

Grade characteristics

Breeders are developing hybrid varieties to capture some of the qualities of a vegetable crop. Lionheart is characterized by high productivity, the fruits have excellent taste data.

The characteristics of the Lionheart are as follows:

  1. The variety is early ripe (from seedling emergence to the first harvest, less than 105 days pass).
  2. This hybrid variety is indeterminate.
  3. When grown in greenhouse conditions, the height of the plant reaches one meter, on the beds, bushes grow to one and a half meters in height.
  4. The leaves are medium, the color is deep green.
  5. The formation of the first brush occurs after the eighth sheet.
  6. On one brush, up to eight fruits are formed.
  7. When grown in open ground per square meter, you can collect up to 3.5 kilograms of tomatoes, in greenhouse conditions - up to 17 kilograms.
  8. The hybrid variety is resistant to many diseases characteristic of tomatoes, including verticillosis.

Ripe fruits are consumed fresh, and are also used to prepare many dishes - vegetable slices, salads, tomato pastas, ketchups and sauces.

A large amount of the crop, which gives the Lionheart variety, as well as its distinctive features, received a worthy assessment by experts. A hybrid variety was introduced into the State Register of the Russian Federation under the number 9811420.

The variety is successfully grown both in private garden plots and in large subsidiary farms.

Distinctive features of the variety

Lionheart belongs to the group of tomatoes Bull's heart. They differ in juiciness and large size. High yields are obtained not because of the number of tomatoes, but because of their large weight.

Harvest Description:

  • the weight of one fetus reaches up to 200 grams;
  • tomatoes have a heart-shaped, narrowed to the bottom form;
  • the color of the ripe fruit is deep red;
  • the surface of the tomato is smooth, not ribbed;
  • each fruit contains up to six chambers with grains;
  • the pulp is juicy and meaty;
  • the taste of ripe tomatoes can be described as sweet and sour;
  • the skin is not coarse.

The owners of the gardens eagerly plant tomatoes Lionheart on their beds. He is loved for his taste, as well as for the technical characteristics of the hybrid variety.

How to get a large amount of crop

Growing this vegetable crop does not require any special measures. However, to get a lot of delicious fruits, you need to follow some rules:

Lionheart Tomatoes

  1. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the second decade of March.
  2. Germination should occur at a temperature of 23 to 25 degrees.
  3. Tanks with seedlings need to be exposed to a bright place.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the temperature - it should be at least 18 degrees.
  5. 7 days after planting, seedlings should be dived into separate containers.
  6. To strengthen seedlings, it must be sprayed with growth stimulants.
  7. The plant must be regularly watered and fertilized using mineral top dressing (following the recommendations from the manufacturer).
  8. Recommended hardening and ventilation of the plant.
  9. Watering should be carried out after the soil has dried.
  10. It is recommended to plant seedlings on the beds, which were filled with organic fertilizers in the fall.
  11. In spring, to enrich the soil, it is necessary to fertilize it with top dressing containing phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium.
  12. Transfer seedlings to a permanent place should be after six of these leaves are formed.
  13. When planting, make sure that the distance between the bushes is at least 40 centimeters.
  14. Soil mulching is recommended - this will help to maintain moisture and facilitate plant care.
  15. Bushes should be formed in one or two stems.
  16. To increase productivity requires the pinching of bushes.
  17. Since the stems often break, they must be tied up without fail.

Reviews gardeners

Opinions of garden owners are mixed. Some note the disadvantages of the variety, which include the fact that the fruits do not tolerate transportation and are stored for no more than two weeks. However, many gardeners still plant Lionheart on their plots from year to year, since all the disadvantages are outweighed by a large number of advantages, namely: the large size of tomatoes, undemanding care and resistance to disease.

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