Tomato Lyubimets Moscow Region - description and characteristics of the variety

This variety is more suitable for summer residents who do not have access to growing plants in closed greenhouses. These tomatoes can easily grow and take root in the open ground. Most residents of the Moscow Region and Moscow Region have rather small areas for plant cultivation. That is why this variety is very popular in the area of ​​this city. The small fruit has a sweet aftertaste. The plant is able to present summer residents with fruits for 1 month.

Tomato Favorite of Moscow Region

Features and characteristics of the variety

In the agricultural company “Search”, breeders managed to develop a small tomato variety for cultivation in the open air. Some plant crops under small film tunnels or temporary shelters.

Distinctive features of the Favorite of Moscow Region:

  1. A plant does not need first-class conditions for good growth.
  2. It takes about 3 months to obtain fruits, this is a short time for ripening tomatoes.
  3. Bushes of the same size, quite compact (about 30 cm).
  4. On one brush about 8 fruits.
  5. The leaves have a slightly green hue, small in size.
  6. The bush does not overgrow with green mass.
  7. Bushes due to the small size of the plants do not have to be tied up.

The main positive feature is unpretentiousness. Culture is able to present a summer resident with good fruits both in heat and in cold. Due to the fact that the fruits ripen early, the plant is not susceptible to late blight.

The culture has excellent stamina. Rarely ill with TMV. Most gardeners have repeatedly pointed out that timely processing of pests is necessary. Aphids or whiteflies can harm a plant. At night, the plant may suffer from slugs.


Good germination of the variety requires excellent lighting. In its absence, there will be no ovaries and the taste of tomatoes will not be sweet, but sour. Usually in the Moscow region the weather is very changeable.

Tomatoes Favorite of Moscow Region

The first tomatoes have a very unusual flavor. The berries of a nightshade plant have a lot of sugar.

The main characteristics of the fruit:

  • Tomato in the shape of a ball.
  • Very bright shade.
  • The pulp has a dense and juicy structure.
  • The average weight is 120 g.
  • There are 3 seed chambers.
  • Sweet taste with a touch of sourness.
  • The shell is dense.

Summer residents are very interested in the variety that with an early harvest the fruits have a lot of sugar. Fresh fruit can be added to salad or eat completely. Small tomatoes are picked and pickled.

Tomatoes do not crack during heat treatment. They lie without a refrigerator for 3 weeks (in a dark place). Perfectly transported over long distances.

Growing conditions

If you want to achieve the best results, provide the plant with all the necessary conditions. Although unpretentious, it will bear fruit only if several rules are observed:

Tomato cultivation Beloved Moscow Region

Cultivation rules:

  • average soil acid pH 5-5.5;
  • the soil must be loosened;
  • with the onset of autumn, fill the plant with compost;
  • in the spring to enrich the soil with mineral complexes;
  • when planting in a hole add calcium nitrate;
  • mulch the ridges;
  • make an installation for drip irrigation;
  • the first seating period is the end of March;
  • plant a plant in a row 50 days after seedling growth;
  • avoid direct sunlight for the first few days;
  • after ripening, immediately collect the fruit.

If the weather does not please with sunshine and it rains constantly for several days in a row, cover the plant with plastic wrap. If frosts come very early, pick green fruits. Put them in a warm place, they can ripen anyway.

Opinion of summer residents

Most reviews of gardeners in the suburbs are positive. After all, the plant is very productive and not demanding on the soil. The taste is sweet and the fruits can be used in any direction. Summer residents note good protection against diseases. But the plant is very dependent on sunlight. If they grow in a dark place, the fruit will have a sour taste. In many cases, the fruit weight in this case does not reach 100 grams.

The plant is able to tolerate adverse weather, not deprived of good fruits. They have good immunity. Most summer residents agree that it is still necessary to process the bushes. Pests can attack the plant, so treatment is carried out for preventive purposes. Pay particular attention to the spread of aphids and whiteflies. To a greater extent, they adversely affect the plant.

Video: how often and how much to water tomatoes?

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