Tomato Madeira - description and characteristics of the variety

Today, gardeners are increasingly preferring small-fruited varieties of tomatoes, namely cherry and cocktail. Consider the features of the Madeira variety, which belongs to the cherry, and at the same time is their characteristic representative. He gives excellent crops. Fruits grow identical in size and are of high quality.

Tomato Madeira

The main features of the hybrid

Madeira F1 is an early ripe hybrid belonging to the Cherry family. Fruits ripen approximately 3 months after emergence.

General description of the variety:

  1. On average, the height of the bushes of this variety is from one and a half to two meters. the stem of the plant is very dense and durable, making it difficult to break it off.
  2. The leaves are medium in size, their number on the plant is moderate.
  3. In each of the brushes about 12-15 ovaries are formed, the inflorescences are simple.
  4. Madeira variety is characterized by high productivity. From 1 square meter, you can collect 5-7 kg of fruit.
  5. The advantage of this hybrid is also that it is resistant to many diseases characteristic of tomatoes.

Fruits have the following characteristics:

  1. They are perfectly rounded in shape.
  2. Their weight is small, on average, it is about 21-25 g.
  3. The skin is very thin and smooth.
  4. An advantage can also be called the fact that the fruits during ripening practically do not fall from the bush and do not crack.
  5. Ripe fruits have a bright red tint.
  6. Inside they are divided into 2 segments.
  7. The pulp of a tomato is dense, but very juicy.

Tomatoes can be stored for a long enough time and remarkably carry transportation over considerable distances, without losing their presentation. This makes the variety quite popular for growing for sale.

This hybrid variety is versatile, and can be grown for various uses. Madeira tomatoes can be planted both in ordinary greenhouses and in temporary shelters under the film. A good harvest is collected by summer residents even in an open area. Great even for growing on the windowsill in a city apartment.

If you live in the southern region, Madeira can be planted without growing seedlings. It is necessary to wait for the soil to warm up to a temperature of about 17 degrees.

Growing recommendations

Growing Tomatoes Madeira

  1. To grow seedlings, sowing should be done on March 10-15. Seeds close up to a depth of 1 cm. More deepen them is not recommended.
  2. After sowing, you need to moisten the soil, covered with a transparent plastic film, and then put it in a warm place.
  3. After 2 leaves are formed on the plant, they are dived, planting in separate small containers. At this time, you need to carry out the first feeding.
  4. 2 months after sowing, seedlings are planted in the ground. But at the same time, you need to make sure that it will not be affected by night frosts. If you plan to plant seedlings in greenhouses, then this can be done already 1 month after sowing.
  5. To get a high yield, it is necessary not only to grow high-quality seedlings, but also to prepare the soil in advance. Plants of this variety will grow well in any soil, but loamy and sandy is most suitable for it. If you doubt the quality of the soil, be sure to enrich it with fertilizers before planting seedlings. Suitable compost, ash, eggshell. Feeding in the form of bird droppings or rotted cow manure diluted with water will also be very useful.
  6. Planting is recommended according to a 60x70 cm pattern. But when grown in a greenhouse, it is allowed to plant thicker.
  7. In the process of plant growth, it is necessary to form, leaving 1-2 stems. In addition, they require garter.
  8. Further, the tomatoes are looked after in the usual way. They need to be regularly provided with moisture, remove weeds, spud and fertilize. Tomatoes of this variety respond well to the application of mineral mixtures and organic fertilizers.

These small fruits will become a real decoration for your garden. They have a pleasant dessert aftertaste and will be a wonderful addition to many dishes.


  1. Marina Mironova, 41 years old: I planted Madeira tomatoes last year. Loved their taste in fresh and pickled form. Tomatoes look beautiful and neat. Eating them is very convenient.
  2. Anna S., 32 years old: I have been planting Madeira tomatoes for more than one season. They germinate well and give a good harvest. They have a thin skin, but they do not crack in the sun.
  3. Nadezhda Nikulina, 29 years old: I just love cherry tomatoes. For the first time, she tried to plant Madeira only last year for an experiment. I really liked the fruits. They are small, beautiful and taste good.

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