Tomato Maestro F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Maestro F1 - a hybrid bred by Ural breeders. The fruits of this variety have a large size. Despite this, tomatoes retain their proper appearance during transportation, are resistant to damage.

Tomato Maestro F1

Grade characteristics

The variety ripens very early. 3 months after the emergence of seedlings, you can harvest from large fruits. Shrubs belong to the indeterminate type, have unlimited growth, are able to reach great heights if the apex is not removed on time. Tomato stalks are strong and strong, they can easily withstand massive fruits.

Plants are covered with plentiful, dense foliage. They need quality food and care. This variety is more suitable for growing in a greenhouse, as it is sensitive to low temperatures, frosts. He needs a lot of light for growth and development.


All tomatoes ripen together in one period. The weight of an individual vegetable reaches half a kilogram. With growth, it is important to conduct pinching, in time removing new processes. This variety should be grown in only one stem.

The fruits have a red-raspberry color, perfect round shape. The surface of all fruits is smooth and soft. The pulp is tender and juicy. Fruits have high flavoring characteristics. In addition, tomatoes of the Maestro variety are perfectly stored for a long time in suitable conditions. Keep excellent appearance, taste.

The culture has a high degree of resistance to damage by fungus, rot, viruses, mold. It is immune to external pests.

Cultivation and care

Cultivation occurs in seedling method. The most suitable time for growing seedlings is from March 1 to 10. When two real, full-fledged leaflets form, seedlings should be dived into small containers of separate containers made of plastic and peat. The soil should be nutritious, saturated with useful elements. 14 days after planting, fertilizers from mullein or bird droppings are introduced into the ground. To do this, prepare a solution with which seedlings are watered.

You can also use inorganic preparations, which are easy to purchase in a specialized store. Most often, it is recommended by Fitosporin specialists in combination with other substances.


As mentioned above, the Maestro variety is preferable to grow in a greenhouse. When planting seedlings, it is required to strictly observe the distance between the bushes - 60 cm, and between the rows there should be a distance of 70 cm. So, each plant will have enough space for development and growth.

Planting Tomatoes Maestro F1

A prerequisite for choosing a place to land is the presence of sunlight. The variety is very responsive to sunlight, but shading - it does not tolerate well. Immediately planned garter, trellis system.

In greenhouse conditions, a certain level of humidity should be maintained:

  • for soil - 90%;
  • for air - 50%.

To maintain the required climate in the greenhouse, you will need to properly water the plants. The first watering occurs only after the 10th day after transplanting. Further, the soil is moistened as necessary: ​​no more than 1 time in 7-10 days. From 2 to 3 liters of water is sufficient for each bush, since at this time the roots are not too developed. When flowering begins, watering should be slightly increased and carried out every 7 days. Waterlogging should not be allowed.

In the first days of August, you should pinch and remove unnecessary processes. On the hands should be no more than four ovaries.

Grade Advantages

Among the main advantages of the variety are:

  1. Strong peel - it protects tomatoes from damage during transportation (they are perfectly stored for a long time, without losing an attractive, fresh look).
  2. Sugar taste of ripe tomatoes - goes well with the tastes of other products, in salads, and preserves.
  3. Universality in application: from the fruits it is possible to make both fresh cuts and winter snacks.
  4. High yield.

Thanks to the ability to achieve high growth, tomatoes save space in the greenhouse. They are very good for growing for sale. However, they are great for a modest family table.

The Maestro tomato variety is a good, worthy choice both for a vegetable grower with experience and for those who are just starting to take their first steps in the field of growing vegetable crops. The variety is unpretentious in care, responsive to proper, gentle care, has a sweet, sugar flavor. The fruits ripen amicably and quickly enough. They can refresh and give a spicy taste to any dish.

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