Tomato Magnus - description and characteristics of the variety

With the advent of spring, summer residents begin to think about what to plant on the site. One of the main types of vegetables, which must be in the garden, is a tomato. Most gardeners choose early varieties to quickly enjoy tasty and healthy fruits. Before planting, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the variety of plants and their characteristics. You also need to know which soil is the most suitable, and what should be the climate for favorable growth and fruiting.

Tomato Magnus

One of the early varieties that suit warm climates is Magnus. First of all, this plant was bred by crossing two types of tomatoes. Its advantages: resistance to viral and fungal diseases, a large percentage of seed germination, rapid ripening of fruits, excellent taste qualities of tomatoes. In addition, the fruits of Magnus are very elastic, which makes it possible to transport them over long distances.

Grade description

Magnus can be grown both in open warm soil and in a greenhouse. This hybrid belongs to the middle species (between short and tall), from its predecessors, he got only the best qualities. Plants are well tolerated by climate change, it has proven itself in difficult weather conditions and stressful situations. Even under such adverse conditions, the plant continues to grow, forming brushes and ovaries.

Magnus fruits appear very early, the period between seedlings and harvesting takes about 90 days. The bush itself grows to a height of 2 meters, so that it does not grow even higher, pinch the top. In order for the plants to be strong and give a generous harvest, it is necessary to remove the extra shoots in time, and make the bush in a couple of stems.

Tomatoes ripen on small brushes on average 5 pieces, the approximate weight of one fruit is 140-160 grams. Ripe tomatoes can be picked individually, or plucked in bunches. Outwardly, the fruits are very beautiful, their color is richly red, without any stripes or spots. The shape of the tomato is rounded, ribbing is observed at the foot. The peel on the fruits is even, smooth, average thickness. If you compare the productivity of Magnus, then in greenhouse conditions, tomatoes are harvested more than in open ground.

As for the storage of fruits, ripened tomatoes are distinguished by excellent preservation of external and taste. When properly stored, delicious tomatoes can be enjoyed for several months.

Why choose Magnus

The most important advantage of the variety over others is the suitable conditions for growth and ripening. Fruits have beautiful external data, they are all of the same shape and size, they have a rich color and a pleasant taste.

Magnus Tomatoes

Magnus has many positive qualities, including:

  • fast ripening period;
  • the fruits are sung simultaneously;
  • the plant is not afraid of diseases and external stimuli;
  • the ability to transport fruits over long distances;
  • the harvest is stored for a long time and at the same time does not lose its taste.

As in any other plants, some negative aspects are also observed in the variety. These include mandatory procedures for care, such as tying up shoots and formulating a bush. Pinching the tops also causes inconvenience.

All you need to know about growing

Before planting, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules of crop rotation. The most successful plants that grew on the site in front of tomatoes: cauliflower, carrot, cucumbers, zucchini, parsley, dill.

An important role is played by the care of plants. It is necessary to fertilize the soil in time, remove weeds and loosen the soil between the rows. These plants need regular watering. If we talk about top dressing, then it is necessary at least 2 times: a week after planting seedlings and a week before flowering. Many summer residents add fertilizer even during the ripening period. Subject to all conditions, the plants will thank the hosts with a generous harvest.


  1. Peter Alexandrovich, 52 years old: This wonderful variety is grown for two seasons with the help of film shelter. The bush grows large, so it must be tied up. Basically, up to 6 tomatoes ripen on the brush, which have a pleasant, tomato flavor. The fruits have a sweet, juicy taste. They can be preserved whole, they do not lose their shape even during heat treatment.
  2. Maria Sergeevna, 64 years old: I first tried to grow a variety last season. Especially for him, she prepared the earth, fertilized with compost and organic fertilizers. During the growing season, it introduced generous fertilizers of complex fertilizers into the soil. I also paid special attention to watering. At the end of the season, Magnus pleased with a large number of harvested crops. For all the time of ripening, the bushes looked beautiful, and ripe tomatoes can be harvested with whole brushes.

Video: proper watering of tomatoes

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