Tomato Maksimka - description and characteristics of the variety

The popularity of tomatoes among gardeners makes this culture one of the most sought after. For this reason, breeders of many countries annually develop new varieties. One of these novelties was for summer residents and gardeners tomato Maximka, belonging to the Russian selection.

Tomato Maxim

Grade Information

Tomato Maximka was bred for cultivation in uncovered soil in the regions of Central Russia and Central Black Earth Region, in the mid-climate zone. However, gardeners familiar with it argue that it is possible to cultivate varieties in more severe climate and soil conditions using greenhouse and film shelters. The variety passed the registration procedure in the State Register.

Description and characteristic

The tomato plant Maksimka belongs to early ripening varieties and has characteristic features:

  1. The bush is undersized (up to 60 cm) semi-spreading, medium-branched.
  2. The number and size of leaves is medium.
  3. The type of inflorescence is intermediate (the first of them appears above the 6th or 7th leaf).
  4. The fruits begin to ripen on 75 - 80 days after planting, the percentage of compliance with the product standard is 92.
  5. The variety has no articulation with the peduncle.
  6. The plant is resistant to many diseases of its kind.
  7. With good yield, the fruits are stored for a long time and endure the conditions of transportation.

Tomato Maksimka is small in weight (less than 100 g), has a flat-round shape, smooth, the color of the fruit of technical ripeness is orange - red, light green before ripening. The pulp is medium density, the skin is delicate and thin, the fruit is not prone to cracking. It tastes sweet, without sour taste, juicy, fleshy.

Tomatoes are consumed fresh, suitable for home preservation and salting for the whole winter. When processed into juice, the percentage of dry matter does not exceed 7.9.

Growing Tips

Planting seeds for seedlings is carried out in April. The soil composition must meet the requirements for solanaceous plants. For proper seedling growth, it is important to create good lighting, the necessary watering and air temperature. The plant loves heat (20 degrees and above) and light for 16 hours or more. Before planting, the seedlings are hardened (gradually accustomed to the temperature outside), taking out daily to a cooler room daily in the daytime.

Growing tomatoes Maxim

Due to the low growth of tomato bushes, the plant does not lose its yield when densely placed on the garden bed. On 1 sq.m of land, you can place 5 Maximka tomato plants without damage.

The cultivation technique does not differ from the general rules for the care of garden crops and consists in feeding, loosening the soil, watering and weeding weeds. When organizing irrigation, you should adhere to the timing, frequency, norms for applying moisture under each bush, the amount of watering during the garden season. For each culture, they are different and depend on the individual characteristics of the plant, its root system and moisture lovingness.

Reviews gardeners about tomato varieties Maksimka

  1. Ninel Aleksandrovna, 46 years old, Ryazan region: Hello. All my life I grow vegetables in the country for my family. I like to plant new varieties. This season Maximka bought a new variety of tomatoes. I really liked the result. The bushes grew not high, and they settled down freely in the garden. In the future, you can plant a variety denser. Planted in open ground and placed a little in the greenhouse. As indicated in the description, the first fruits were picked two and a half months after planting. The quality of the fruit is excellent.The size is small, approximately the same, which is very convenient when canning. The salad is juicy, sweet. Fruited for a long time, harvested good. My relatives liked it and I am satisfied. I advise all lovers - vegetable growers to try Maximka.
  2. Grigory Ilyich, 61 years old, Serpukhov, Moscow region: Good day. I want to share my opinion about Maximka tomatoes, which I did not know before. This spring I bought a bag of seeds for testing and planted seedlings in mid-April. I do not buy seedlings, I grow them myself. I want to say that I liked the variety. Bushes are fruitful, tomatoes began to ripen earlier than others. Noticed resistance to tomato diseases. It tastes good, sweet, juicy. When transported from the dacha to the city apartment, they did not crumple, they were stored for a long time without spoiling. The size of the tomato is small, they are packed compactly in salting jars. Fresh don't get bored every day. Especially children love. They are sour. I advise you to try a tomato of this variety in your garden.

Video: proper watering of tomatoes

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