Tomato Malika F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Malika F1 is a hybrid bred for cultivation both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. It gained distribution in Russia, Moldova, Ukraine. Belongs to early ripening varieties. Ripe fruits are formed already on the 108th day after the appearance of the first seedlings.

Tomato Malika F1

Grade characteristics

Ripe tomatoes have a bright, red color. They lack the greenish color near the stalk, which is found in most other tomatoes. The fruits have a rounded shape, slightly flattened on both sides: on top of the tomato and below. Ribbing is always present on the surface. The peel is dense and smooth.

Each tomato inside has many chambers with seeds, fleshy, juicy pulp. The mass of one fruit is capable of reaching 275 grams. Due to its density, the skin of the fetus is resistant to cracks and damage from the outside.

The variety belongs to the indeterminate type, which means that it requires pinching, since the growth of the plant is unlimited. It can reach significant height. As a rule, the first inflorescence occurs over 5-6 leaves and forms from 8 to 10 fruits. In one season, it is realistic to collect from 1 m2 to about 18 kg of fruit.

The variety is powerful and massive due to the well-developed root system that nourishes the entire plant. Shrubs are resistant to weather variability, tolerate low temperatures well. Despite adverse conditions, the variety gives a high and high-quality crop. In general, tomatoes have good immunity to both diseases and pests.

These tomatoes can be grown for sale: they perfectly tolerate transportation, preserve the external and taste. The shelf life of this variety is slightly lower than the other varieties - only two weeks. It is also worth considering that the fruits of "Malika" are used only in fresh, unprocessed form.

Landing Features

Variety "Malika" is grown using seedlings. Can be sown in late February - early March. Before planting, seeds must be sanitized. To do this, soak them for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate. To allow the seeds to dry - spread on a napkin or paper sheet. Leave them to dry on the windowsill. At this stage, experienced vegetable growers recommend using a growth activator, having previously introduced it into the soil, and then planting the seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. This will help accelerate the growth of seedlings.

When the first leaves appear, you can plant them in separate containers. And then - to a permanent place of growth. Given climatic conditions, this time may vary. An important condition for planting is the end of frost. The soil should be warm, well warmed by sunshine.

When planting, it is necessary to observe a certain distance: between the bushes - half a meter, and between rows - 40 cm is enough. On one m2 it can fit from 3 to 4 plants.

When choosing a site for the constant growth of tomatoes, it is necessary to take into account which culture grew on it before. It is recommended to plant Malika tomatoes in the area where the following crops grew:

  • dill;
  • cauliflower;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • parsley;
  • cucumbers.


Growing tomatoes Malika F1
Special, special and complex requirements for the cultivation of the variety are not required. Care includes:

  • timely watering;
  • weed removal;
  • loosening the soil.

These three procedures are enough to get a good harvest.

Before planting seedlings in the hole, it is recommended to add a little organic matter, ash. During the growing period, you can use "fertilizing" with minerals.

Leaf cover in an adult shrub is average.But he can grow very high. When growing, it is important to use a garter to the support in order to keep both the branches and the trunk of the plant intact.

Diseases and Pests

The Malika variety, like many hybrids, has excellent immunity to pests and various diseases characteristic of vegetable crops. It is not affected by rot or fungi, or other viruses. This provides a good, constant, high-quality crop and the ability to grow a truly environmentally friendly product, since the variety does not require treatment with various pesticides that are used against pests, from damage by fungi, viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms.

Tomato variety "Malika F1" is a worthy choice for growing both in open and in closed ground. The process of growing and care is quite simple. Any vegetable grower will be able to get a good and high-quality crop, both with many years of experience and anyone who wants to try their hand at growing tomatoes for the first time.

Video: Determinant Tomatoes - Formation and Care

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