Tomato Raspberry empire - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes are especially loved by farmers and gardeners in our country. Hybrid varieties are ideal for growing on a personal plot. They bear fruit well, are unpretentious in leaving, are not subject to diseases.

Tomato Raspberry Empire

The tomato variety Raspberry Empire is high-yielding. Differs in fragrant fruits of bright red or pink color. Tomatoes excellently bear fruit both in greenhouses, and in open beds in the garden.

Grade description

Bushes of plants reach more than 2 meters. Rapid growth involves the mandatory formation of bushes, lower leaves are recommended to be cut off. The height of the tomato bushes requires them to be tied to a wooden or metal support. When planting between plants, you need to leave a sufficient amount of free space, so the bushes will fully receive the necessary nutrients from the ground. The distance between the seedlings should be at least 50 cm.

Appearance of Tomatoes

Tomatoes have a round, slightly flattened shape. The size of each fruit is approximately 150 grams. The skin is thin, strong, not prone to cracking. Great for fresh consumption and for canning, either whole or in cut form. The pulp is juicy, aromatic, the taste is sweet. The color of the fruit is red - pink.

Thick peel allows you to transport tomatoes over long distances. Fruits grow with brushes, each of which can contain up to 10 tomatoes. Subject to all the rules of care from 1 square meter, you can collect up to 20 kg of tomato.

Growing Features

In regions with a cold climate, tomatoes are recommended to be grown in greenhouses. Cultivation is carried out in seedling method. Before sowing, the seeds should be treated with a weak manganese solution, as well as the soil. Earth needs to be sanitized. To do this, it should be poured with boiling water or calcined in the oven for 2-3 hours. After this, the soil is poured into a special container for sowing. The soil from the garden must be mixed with organic fertilizers.

Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1 cm in the furrows done. Watering the earth is not necessary, just slightly moisten it. The container is covered with a film or glass on top, after the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed. Until sprouts appear, you need to ensure the entry of sunlight or use a special lamp.


Planting Tomatoes Raspberry Empire
2 months after emergence, strong and healthy seedlings are planted in a greenhouse or garden. Before planting, plants should be accustomed to the street and hardened. For this, the seedlings are carried out for several hours into the fresh air for about a week. A solid stick of wood or metal is installed next to each hole, plants will be tied to it as they grow. Do not forget about fertilizing. Peat, humus and furnace ash are well suited.

Care Rules

Variety Raspberry Empire, like other representatives of the hybrid group, is not quite whimsical about the rules of care. The predisposition of a tomato to the occurrence of diseases and the invasion of pests involves the treatment of bushes with special preparations, as well as regular cultivation and removal of weeds.

Tomatoes do not like water scarcity and too much waterlogging. Therefore, watering should be carried out no more than once a week with warm, settled water. During the summer period, 3 times it is necessary to feed the bushes. To do this, use mullein infusion or complex additives.The first time this is done during the growing season, then - during flowering, the last time nutrient mixtures are introduced during fruiting. If you follow all the recommendations for caring for tomatoes, you can get a rich harvest and healthy tasty fruits.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Vasily Alekseevich, 58 years old: Every year I try to grow different varieties of tomatoes in my greenhouse. The Raspberry Empire variety has become a real find for me. Few tomato varieties boast such high yields. During fruiting, bushes are almost invisible, only some tomato clusters hang from them. The fruits are beautiful red, sweet and delicious.
  2. Valentina Anatolyevna, 49 years old: In my family everyone loves tomatoes. In the country, I try to always grow new and interesting varieties. Last year, the Raspberry Empire tried to plant a variety, and did not regret it. Tomatoes are delicious, sweet, uniform red color. Fruits grow in clusters in large numbers. Great for canning. Thanks to a dense and strong skin, tomatoes were stored fresh for a long time.

Video: Raspberry Empire F1 tomatoes

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