Tomato Raspberry sweetness F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

More and more gardeners of our country give their preference to the Raspberry Sweetness F1 variety. The hybrid, bred by Russian breeders, has incorporated all the best qualities of parental varieties. It has a strong structure, is very unpretentious in cultivation, and its fruits boast excellent taste.

Tomato Raspberry Sweet F1

Variety Characteristics

Raspberry sweetness F1 is a tomato of a determinant type, its bushes do not differ in great height, rising to 130 cm. But they have a very strong stem. The leaves are medium, oblong, dark green in color. The tomato is ripe, ripening of tomatoes takes from 90 to 95 days. The variety gives a rich harvest - up to 6 kg of fruits can be harvested from 1 square meter of plantings.

The fruits of Raspberry sweets are quite large (up to 130 g), smooth, smooth, rounded in shape with a distinctly sweet taste. It has strong, fleshy and juicy pulp with 7 seed chambers. The dry matter is not more than 5% of the mass of the fetus. Color - glossy saturated red with a characteristic raspberry hue, which gave the name to the variety. The skin is soft and tender, but at the same time quite strong and hard, so the fruits are resistant to cracking. Variety tomatoes perfectly tolerate long-term storage and transportation. If tomatoes are stored in a cool, dark place, they retain a fresh taste for a month, which is crucial for the commercial use of the variety.

The use of tomatoes of this variety is quite versatile. They are very good in fresh form, in particular, they are successfully included in summer salads, vegetable side dishes and individual dishes. It is also possible to preserve tomatoes in the form of tomato paste, juices, sauces, mixed vegetables and lecho. In canned food, it is better to use the smaller fruits of the second and subsequent harvests.

Growing Features

Breeders who developed the Raspberry Sweet F1 variety intended it for cultivation in the southern regions of Russia, however, it also successfully grows in colder climatic zones. The life cycle of tomatoes begins with the germination of seeds for seedlings.

At the end of March, after preliminary processing and hardening, the seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in containers or wooden boxes with a fertile mixture of garden soil, sand, sifted humus and non-acid peat. It is recommended to use seeds no older than one year old, periodically moisten and maintain the temperature regime, covering plantings with plastic wrap. After the first two true leaves appear, they pick, planting the plants in a more spacious volume.

50 days after sowing, seedlings are planted in the ground. If greenhouses are heated, this can be done at the end of April, but if film unheated shelters are used, in May. In the southern regions, tomatoes can also be planted in open ground.

Growing tomatoes Raspberry sweetness F1

An interval of 70 to 40 cm is maintained between the bushes, so that 3-4 plants can fit in one square place. The variety requires a fairly rare, but plentiful watering under the root of the trunk. The bushes are formed by pinching the trunk so that no more than two stems remain. Both in the greenhouse and in the open garden, tomatoes need a garter, for which you can use trellis or structural elements of the greenhouse. During the season, the soil is loosened for better aeration of the roots and mineral or organic fertilizers are applied 4-5 times.

Like many hybrids, raspberry sweet plants are not affected by most common diseases. In particular, they are not affected by diseases such as fusarium, verticillosis, alternariosis and many other nightshade diseases typical of greenhouses.Nevertheless, experts advise to disinfect it before planting seedlings in the ground, for which you can use a hot solution of potassium permanganate.

Requires plants and protection against late blight, for which they can be regularly sprayed with phytosporin. Other non-toxic drugs with an antifungal effect are also suitable. Another enemy of Raspberry sweets is the Colorado potato beetle; it has to be assembled manually. Tomatoes can be protected from slugs by loosening the soil and using lime, sand and crushed nutshells for plantation mulching.

Opinions of gardeners

Most often, gardeners growing Raspberry sweet, note the outstanding taste of the variety and the ripening of a rich harvest. Also, survey respondents like the unpretentiousness of tomatoes, resistance to sudden changes in weather, excellent immunity, protecting plants from diseases.

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