Tomato Robin - description and characteristics of the variety

A small town in Kazakhstan Semey will forever be remembered in the world of gardeners, since it was there that the famous tomato variety called Robin was created by breeders. Vegetable culture with an original color in a short time became popular in other countries, took a special place in the hearts of a huge number of owners of garden plots. What features does a well-known tomato variety have? Is it possible to collect a rich harvest of ideal fruits, following the recommendations of experienced gardeners?

Tomato Robin

Grade characteristics

Breeders describe the Robin variety as follows:

  • differs in high productivity;
  • mid-season variety;
  • indeterminate plant, reaching a great height.

The cultivation of Kazakhstani tomato varieties is possible both in greenhouse conditions and in open beds. Features of both methods:

  1. The first way, Robin tomatoes are grown in gardeners in regions with a cool climate.
  2. In the southern regions, preference is given to growing vegetables on the open ground.

The plant reaches a height of up to 150 centimeters, a massive stem is distinguished by its extraordinary density. Experienced gardeners recommend, in order to increase productivity, to form bushes in two trunks. Leaves of bright green color, medium size and normal shape.

Crop description

The owners of the gardens, who first grow the Robin tomatoes on their beds, are often amazed at the results of planting - a lush plant produces up to 5 kilograms of fleshy fruits. Tomatoes with a sweet taste have the following differences from tomatoes of other varieties:

  1. Ripe fruit has a delicate pink skin.
  2. On average, the weight of each tomato is 250-500 grams.
  3. Fruits are large, heart-shaped.
  4. Tomatoes are used in all areas of cooking: they are used fresh, used to prepare vegetable salads, sauces.

The pulp of pink fruits is fleshy and quite sweet. Raspberry skin, characterized by density, preserves the juiciness and aroma of tomatoes.

Advantages of the variety Robin

Large fruits of the Kazakh tomato variety, reminiscent of apples in color and size, differ from other varieties of this vegetable crop in a large number of advantages, which include the following:

  • the plant is unpretentious in care;
  • the variety has good resistance to adverse weather conditions;
  • used for many culinary purposes;
  • ripe fruits do not crack.

Diseases and pests: how to deal with them

Due to the strong immunity that Kazakhstani variety of tomatoes has, gardeners may not worry about the fact that the vegetable crop will fall ill with the main diseases characteristic of tomatoes - rot, tobacco mosaic virus. Garden owners who do not have sufficient experience need to know the following:

To protect the stems of the bushes from serious fungal diseases, fungicidal agents should be used.
For prevention purposes, the plant must be treated with chemical mixtures of insecticides: this will help prevent pest attacks.

Important! Use such drugs very carefully. A lot of tools pose a risk to the health of people and pets.

Growing recommendations: how to harvest a rich harvest

It is possible to achieve a large number of tasty and juicy fruits on the beds by only properly caring for the plant. Breeders give some recommendations for the care of the variety Robin, they include the following:

  1. Sowing seeds for seedlings is necessary 60 days before it is transferred to a permanent place.
  2. When planting seedlings in a garden or in a greenhouse, you need to ensure that no more than three bushes are located on one square meter of soil.
  3. If the plant will be formed in one trunk, then planting four bushes per square meter is allowed.

Typically, robin tomatoes grow well, without needing special care. The variety is resistant to many diseases, attacks of parasitic aphids.

A fluffy plant should be regularly watered with warm water, fed with mineral fertilizers, and often weed beds. It is best to use warm water to water a vegetable crop. From top dressing, it is preferable to use complex mixtures.

Tomatoes ripen at one time, gardeners should call for help from their household for a quick harvest.

Video: Raspberry tomatoes

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