Tomato Raspberry sunset - description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes "Raspberry sunset" in Russia began to grow recently. This variety got to the State Register only 10 years ago. Tomato can grow on open soil only in the warm regions of southern Russia. In colder areas, greenhouses are needed for growing.

Tomato Raspberry Sunset


Raspberry sunset F1 is a large, high determinant type tomato. Some gardeners say that it grows up to 2 meters up! The leaves are medium sized, dark green. The fruits ripen in about 100 days from the time of germination, which is pretty fast.

You can grow both in a special greenhouse, and covering the bush with a film. The fruits are roundish, large, covered with a smooth and strong skin of raspberry color, and the “green” berries have a light green skin. There is no green spot near the stalk. The pulp is moderately dense, has about 5% dry matter. Nests in tomato 6. The usual mass of one tomato is 400 g. In a greenhouse they can produce up to 13 kg / m2. With all this, they have an amazing taste!

View refers to salad. They are used fresh, juice and sauces are prepared from tomatoes, used for the manufacture of first and second courses. The large size makes canning impossible.

The young variety tolerates diseases characteristic of tomatoes well. Phytophthora also cannot hit this species if good preventive measures and agricultural technology are used. Berries are able to withstand transportation and not significantly damaged, while maintaining their presentation.

How to plant and care

  1. There is no need to use a dive for Raspberry Sunset. Seeds are spread close, and small sprouts are plucked as they grow. By transplantation, several powerful and developed bushes should remain. Watering is sufficient no more than once every 7 days. You can prepare tomatoes for transplant by lowering the ambient temperature at night to 7-10 ° C.
  2. It is better to start preparing soil for seedlings in the fall. It will take in the same amount to take ordinary land from the garden, mix with compost and sand.
  3. Before sowing, seeds are advised to be treated with Baikal EM1. The land into which the transplant will be carried out is preferably treated with manganese.
  4. Caring for an already transplanted plant is usual. In the spring, it is enough to water, weed and loosen the soil, form a bush, add fertilizer. In the summer, in addition to the same actions, it is important to tie up and strengthen the bush on time, otherwise large fruits can bend and break the stem.

Diseases and parasites

Raspberry Sunset Tomatoes

  1. Berries of Raspberry sunset can suffer from vertebral rot with increasing humidity, lowering air temperature. Also, rotting can cause an improper balance of nitrogen and potassium in fertilizers. More often, a tomato suffers from a lack of potassium. You can add the necessary trace element by fertilizing the earth with potassium nitrate.
  2. Tomato may suffer from brown spotting. It is not difficult to deal with it - you need to reduce watering and control the temperature of the greenhouse air.
  3. Slugs and Colorado beetles can also infect tomato bushes. From slugs only manual removal of them will help, and from "colorads" - the use of insecticides.

The variety has been popular among gardeners and summer residents for several seasons, and each year it is gaining more and more fans. Proper care of the tomato will help to have a good harvest of large, juicy and tasty fruits.

Reviews of lovers

  1. Galina, 44 years old: I love to read the comments of gardeners about last season. I never buy seeds without checking opinions about them, and take them only with good reviews.I would like to get a better result than my neighbors, while putting less effort and time. In addition, the words of other people motivate them to make new "country" achievements, and help to simplify their work.
  2. Antonina S., 39 years old: At first I was attracted by the name of the series, then I chose the Raspberry Sunset variety. Not a bit sorry! Pink-raspberry, huge, gorgeous berries warmed the soul every day. Summer turned out to be very sunny and dry, but the yield was very high. The fruits were not less than 300 g, a little matured to 600 g! It was enough to water only once every 5-7 days, fertilized every two weeks. Tomatoes did not ripen at the same time, sometimes they had to be removed and left to ripen in a box - too many tomatoes bent the bush.
  3. Lyudmila Anatolyevna, 50 years old: I relied on advertising and bought one pack of seeds. Carefully looked after, fertilized, formed a bush. Strong, the biggest tomato was almost a kilogram of weight! Next year I will definitely plant more.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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