Tomato Mandarin - description and description of the variety

All tomato growers want a bountiful harvest. Experiments are being conducted with new varieties, fertilizers, optimal conditions for a particular variety are selected, etc. The mandarin duck was introduced relatively recently, but the variety quickly began to be in demand and does not lose popularity among tomato lovers.

Tomato Mandarin Duck

What is a variety of Mandarin

Of the advantages of this variety should be noted:

  • Early ripening.
  • High yield.
  • Resistance to "tomato" diseases.
  • High palatability.

Mandarin duck is a greenhouse variety of tomatoes, it does not like sudden temperature jumps and needs warmth and sunlight. If all the conditions for the normal growth and development of the bushes are met, they can form 8 or more fruit brushes. Often, tangerine bushes grow under the very roof of the greenhouse, reaching a height of almost 2 meters.

As soon as 8-10 leaves bloom on the bush, the plant begins to lay the first inflorescences. Then they are formed regularly, with the advent of every 3rd leaf. On one brush, 8-10 flowers can form. The first crop should be expected approximately 3.5 months after emergence.

Mandarin fruit has a bright orange color, which makes them similar to citrus, the shape is round, sweetish in taste. From one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of tomatoes. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 100 g, more often - 90-95 g.

How to plant a mandarin tomato

  1. Seedlings from seeds can be grown simply on a windowsill or in a greenhouse. Seeds are planted in boxes with prepared soil, which should contain turf soil, a certain amount of sand and humus humus (peat). The optimum soil temperature for planting Mandarin seeds is +15 degrees. As soon as the first seedlings hatch, they need to be poured with water at room temperature. Watering is repeated after two weeks. Boxes must be constantly turned to the sun, so that the seedlings receive a sufficient amount of light.
  2. Before planting tomatoes, about a week you need to prepare the beds in the greenhouse. The height of the beds is about 40 cm, the width is up to 1 meter. Soil of the same composition as for planting seeds. All components mix well, the soil is dug up and left to warm up for the desired temperature.
  3. Young seedlings are planted in a checkerboard pattern in two rows. The distance between the bushes should be at least 30 cm, between the rows - 60 cm. 100 g of ash and about 1 liter of a weak solution of potassium permanganate are added to each well (depth 30 cm, width 20 cm).
  4. 3-4 days before planting, 2-3 lower leaves should be removed from the bushes. This contributes to the rapid formation of the first fruit brushes and helps the bushes better resist disease. 2-3 hours before planting, seedlings are abundantly watered with warm water. The young bush is neatly laid in the hole, straighten the roots and set in an upright position, and then sprinkled with soil.
  5. Bushes of the Mandarin variety are formed into only one stem. This means that all stepsons must be removed in a timely manner. It is best to do this at dawn before a sunny warm day (in such weather, the bush neutralizes damage faster), since at this time the sprouts are more fragile, and it is easier to break them off. The stepson is removed with his hands or scissors. To prevent infection, the scissors are dipped in a potassium permanganate solution after each cut. If removal is done by hand, stepsons break off to the side (not up or down!).

Rules for caring for bushes in a greenhouse

Already on the third day, the bush must be tied up.A peg is hammered next to the bush so as not to damage the roots. As the bush grows, the pegs change to higher. It is most convenient to tie tomatoes to the ceiling structures of the greenhouse.

Stepsons from bushes should be regularly removed to provide the plant with full nutrition. Tomatoes should not be allowed to scrub strongly and form a large amount of greenery, as this greatly affects yield. All the lower leaves are removed, under the fruit brushes they should not be at all.

Before the first flowering, the bushes are watered about once every 5-6 days. Water consumption - 4 l. on 1 sq.m. As soon as the first inflorescences appear, the bush requires abundant watering - up to 12 liters per 1 sq.m. 3 weeks after planting tomatoes, they need to be fed. There are many recipes for feeding tomatoes, specifically for the Mandarin duck it is better to use a mixture of nitrophoska (1 tbsp. Spoon) and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of Ideal liquid fertilizer. The resulting mixture was diluted with 10 liters of water. Under each bush make 1 liter. solution. Repeated feeding of tomatoes - after 10 days.

Tangerine variety requires attention and care. But, if the gardener will fulfill all the conditions for the care of plants, they will certainly thank him with a plentiful harvest.

Video: Tangerines

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