Tomato Moneymaker - description and characteristics grade

Probably every gardener at least once tried to grow tomatoes. Today there are a large number of hybrids, and each has its own distinctive features. From such a variety it is very difficult to choose any one variety.

Tomato Moneymaker

In order not to make a mistake when choosing a variety, you need to study the characteristics of each of them well. It is important to determine the purpose of cultivation, and, based on it, already identify suitable varieties. Some are intended only for conservation, while others are universal.


The variety Moneymaker is precocious, therefore, already 3 months after the appearance of the first seedlings, you can harvest. The main advantage of this type of tomato is that it is suitable for planting both on open ground and on closed ground.

For growing tomatoes Moneymaker requires fertile soil. Simple fertilizers will not be enough for poor soil, tomatoes will still show poor growth.

The variety as a whole is unpretentious, does not need careful maintenance. Fruits to the colds. Even in the autumn period, you can pick green tomatoes and preserve them as such.

Plants are indeterminate, tall. The height of the bush can reach 200 cm, so tomatoes need garter and pinching. If you make the formation of bushes in 3 stems, you can get a very decent harvest. The foliage is high. The main stem can form up to 7 tassels. Usually on a brush there are 8-14 fruits.

Fruit characterization

Tomatoes ripen in clusters and are distinguished by their large size. The weight of the fetus is about 100 grams. Ripening occurs quite amicably. Fruits have a rounded shape. The density of the skin is moderate, no ribbing. Unripe fruits have a greenish tint, which in the process of ripening turns into a scarlet color.

The average harvest from one bush is up to 10 kilograms of fruit. To obtain a good crop, plants should be planted with a distance between them from half a meter, between rows the distance is from 70 to 80 cm.No more than 3 bushes should be planted on one square meter.

Ripe fruits are used both in their natural form and as ingredients for summer salads. Tomatoes are also suitable for pickling, canning.

Advantages and disadvantages of Moneymaker tomatoes

Advantages and disadvantages of Moneymaker tomatoes

  • high level of productivity;
  • universality in use;
  • early ripening;
  • the variety does not need special care;
  • plants bear fruit even in the autumn;
  • good keeping quality;
  • great for canning;
  • the variety is well adapted to greenhouse conditions.


  • plants are susceptible to late blight disease;
  • grows poorly on poor soil;
  • taste unsatisfactory;
  • closer to the end of the fruiting period, the tomatoes become smaller;
  • bushes need to be planted;
  • plants occupy too large an area.
  • Bushes bend due to the severity of the fruit.

Growing Features

In some cases, self-growing seedlings is the right choice, as there will be full confidence in the quality of seedlings. You need to start planting seeds for seedlings from March 14-16, and should end in early April. Before sowing seeds, you need to disinfect them. 30 minutes they need to be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the planting material must be dried.

Stages of sowing planting material:

  1. The soil must be pre-prepared.The earth can be mixed with peat, sawdust and ash (wood).
  2. For planting, it is recommended to use the tape method (with a distance between seedlings of half a millimeter).
  3. It is necessary to cover the container immediately after watering with cling film.
  4. To air the soil and water the seeds, the film should be regularly removed.
  5. After the first sprouts have already pecked, the film needs to be removed, and the boxes put on the southern windows.
  6. Pick-up should be done only after full leaflets appear.

Moneymaker tomatoes have a strong growth, therefore, when planting, you need to consider that the minimum gap between the bushes should be from 50 to 60 cm.

Planting seedlings in open ground:
Planting seedlings of tomato Moneymaker in the ground

  1. Land for planting needs to be prepared in the autumn. Dig up the earth, add a sufficient amount of humus or manure.
  2. With the onset of spring, the earth needs to be re-excavated, as well as the beds to be marked.
  3. Dig holes and water.
  4. Next, you need to do planting bushes in the holes (if the seedlings are too high, you need to deepen the stem).
  5. Make abundant watering.

Tomato Care

A very important role in obtaining a large and high-quality crop is played by top dressing.

In the fertilizer application scheme, you need to invest such a factor as the soil on which there will be a landing. It will be open or closed. If the bushes grow on open ground, then you need to take into account weather conditions. In the event of prolonged rains, a large amount of nutrients will be washed out of the ground, and plants may begin to hurt. If the cultivation takes place in a greenhouse, then bushes that will not grow well need to be fed.

When tomatoes begin active growth, they need potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. Therefore, for feeding, you need chicken litter or manure.

When flowering and the occurrence of ovaries begin, you need to make a second top dressing. You can feed with yeast. 100 grams of yeast per 1 liter of warm water. It is necessary to give the yeast a few hours to insist. After this, the solution is usually diluted with ten liters of water. One plant needs one liter of solution. You need to water right under the root. This feeding is enough for 3-4 weeks. Since the leaves will grow too actively from the yeast on the bushes, it is not recommended to use them.

Video: 9 secrets of a good tomato crop

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