Tomato Marianna F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

In the framework of this publication, we will talk about a new, very interesting hybrid variety of tomatoes Marianne f1. Information about tomato Marianne on the Net is very scarce, but the situation will undoubtedly change very soon, since the variety, despite its unpretentiousness and ease of care and cultivation, brings very good yields.

Tomato Marianne F1

What is a Marianne tomato

The variety was originally bred for outdoor cultivation. The squat bush is quite strong, with a height of not more than 40-50 cm, about the same width. Doesn’t need to be a stepchild. On one bush can simultaneously ripen up to 90 tomatoes weighing from 100 to 170 grams. For such a stunted plant, this is a very impressive indicator.

Three seed chambers of ripe tomato contain a very small amount of seeds. The pulp of the fruit is fleshy, dense, thick (up to 5 mm). The variety belongs to heat-resistant tomatoes, forms an ovary even in the hottest and driest weather.

At the moment, it is considered one of the most unpretentious and productive varieties among the "cream".

Who is the manufacturer?

The hybrid was bred by breeders from Sakata Corporation. This is a very solid old company, practicing the cultivation of new varieties and hybrids for over a century. Absolutely all types of seeds that are supplied to the market undergo mandatory tests in Russia in the local climate.

It’s easy to guess that Marianne seeds are quite expensive. With such high quality seed and crop yields, the price can be considered justified. So, the packaging is 100 pcs. seeds will cost a solanaceous lover about 1,500 rubles. As for the assortment, it is very wide, especially a lot of low-growing varieties are sold. The manufacturer guarantees high quality seed material.

Variety Characteristics

Hybrid Marianne was added to the State Register 8 years ago - in 2011. The hybrid is very well established in the North Caucasus. The variety is mid-ripening, ripens, depending on the climate, for 4-4.5 months.

Marianna bush is determinant (limited in growth). It is not necessary to pinch and tie up bushes. The foliage is dense, small, the color of the leaves is light green. The trunk is of medium strength, the plant is well resistant to most "tomato" diseases.

When conducting research in the North Caucasus, the hybrid yielded a maximum yield of almost 600 centners per hectare. When trying to grow a hybrid in large volumes, farmers received a high percentage of high-quality tomatoes suitable for sale - 97%. This is a very impressive result.

If you believe the reviews of summer residents, they were able to collect from the bush up to 8 kg of ripe fruit. The hybrid is resistant to heat, refers to heat-resistant tomatoes.

Hybrid Marianne: a description of the fruit

The fruits of this variety are plum-shaped. A ripe tomato can weigh from 120 to 200 grams. The color is red, the tomato flesh is dense, the cells contain a small amount of seeds.

Marianna Tomatoes

The fruits are very tasty, they can be eaten raw, add to salads, pickle, salt, canned. The tomato is still, well tolerates long transport. The pulp contains sugar in an amount of 3.4%, dry matter is about 5.9%.

Features of agricultural technology

In a warm southern climate, a hybrid is grown in several ways: they bring seeds directly into the soil, or planted seedlings are planted. Marianne seedlings are ready for planting at least a month old. Seeds do not need to be pickled; the manufacturer treats them with fungicide.When planting, the temperature of the soil should be at least 15 C. The temperature is measured by immersing the thermometer in the soil to a depth of at least 10 cm. Seedlings can be planted under the plastic film in mid-April, in open ground - not earlier than mid-May.

The hybrid Marianne, without a doubt, deserves attention from both amateur gardeners and serious farmers, because an abundant crop of this variety can be obtained without any special financial and labor costs.

Grade Reviews

  1. Tatyana Lapteva, 41 years old: Hello. I tried a lot of varieties of tomatoes, last year I decided to try Marianne. This is a mid-early variety, although I prefer the early ones, since in our climate (Belarus) tomatoes may not ripen, it so happened that they had to pick tomatoes green. I really liked the shape of tomatoes in the form of plums, it is convenient to roll up in jars. The manufacturer claims that on one bush there can be 90 or more fruits. I tied a maximum of 50, maybe because of the climate. I liked the variety, despite the expensive seeds.
  2. Elena Fadeeva, 37 years old: Seeds have sprouted very well, there is no need to process anything. The bushes are sturdy, compact, neat. Adult plants are also squat, they did not measure height, but about 40-45 cm. Tied and ripen well, all fruits turn red almost simultaneously. For tomato juice, perhaps a little dry, but for salads and spins are very good. Plants did not hurt, treated only from aphids. Bear fruit abundantly, bushes are all hung with tomatoes. Seeds are expensive, this season I’ll try to germinate already from my harvest.

Video: Marianna F1 tomatoes

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