Tomato Marquis - description and characteristics of the variety

Vegetables, which belong to the nightshade family, take pride of place among other representatives of vegetable gardens. The versatility of tomatoes allows you to use them for fresh consumption, for the preparation of various dishes and for canning.

Tomato Marquise

The tomato variety Marquis belongs to the hybrid group. The bushes are perfectly adapted for development in areas with adverse climatic conditions, and also do not require special care. In addition, the Marquis variety is considered an early ripe variety, which allows you to get the result of work in early summer. Fruiting of the bushes begins 90-100 days after the appearance of the first sprouts.

Grade description

Plants can reach a height of 1.5-2 meters. To make it easier for the shoots to hold the fruits, they need to be tied to the supports, and for larger fruits, stepchildren should be cut off. The first inflorescence begins to form over 8-9 leaves, repeats every 3 leaves.

Fruits are round in shape with dense pulp, the taste is sweet and sour. When fully ripened, they acquire a red saturated color. Inflorescences can be simple as well as semi-complex, in which from 6 to 12 ovaries form. The mass of one tomato varies from 200 to 250 grams. From one square meter, you can collect 10-12 tomatoes. The variety is quite resistant to a number of common diseases. Tomatoes retain commercial qualities for about 2 weeks after harvest, suitable for transportation over long distances.

Growing Features

  1. Sowing is carried out in prepared and fertilized soil in March. The earth is preliminarily calcined at high temperature in the oven. The laying of seeds is carried out to a depth of 2-3 cm in the furrows done. The container is covered with a film or glass on top. After emergence - the shelter is removed. For faster growth, you can use artificial lighting in the form of a lamp.
  2. After the appearance of 2-4 full sheets - it is necessary to pick. For this, plants are planted in separate pots or glasses. In order to get strong and healthy seedlings, they should be fed with complex fertilizers.
  3. About 2 weeks before the seedlings are planted in the soil, they need to be hardened, that is, accustomed to changing the growing conditions. To do this, every day for several hours the seedlings are taken out onto the street.
  4. Landing is carried out using trellises or support sticks. Tall plants must be tied up.
  5. On one square meter have 3-4 seedlings. Fertilizers should also be added to the wells before planting.

Plant care

Marquis tomato care
Loosening the soil and timely removal of weeds will help prevent some diseases characteristic of members of the nightshade family. Watering is carried out with warm water about 1 time per week. Water the bushes to the very root, to prevent water from entering the leaves of plants. Both waterlogging and drought should not be allowed. Several times during the season, for prophylactic purposes, spray bushes with insecticides and make organic and mineral additives.

Marquis tomatoes are not recommended to be grown for people who want to get a rich harvest with minimal labor and time. High stems must be tied up, cut off stepsons. However, taste attracts many gardeners who are happy to grow this variety.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Valentina Sergeevna, 47 years old: I love sour tomatoes. When I planted the Marquis variety in the country, I decided that I had made the wrong choice.Too much fuss with bushes, I had to shape them, tie them to sticks and pick off stepsons. But, the harvest turned out to be quite rich, and the fruits themselves with excellent taste. I will definitely grow these tomatoes. Next year I’ll try to plant them in a greenhouse and in an open area in the garden.
  2. Marina Petrovna, 39 years old: I did not like the Marquis. With less difficulty, you can get an excellent tomato crop of a different variety. Bushes grow tall and branched, require tying and pinching. And for blanks are not very suitable. Tomatoes are best consumed fresh.
  3. Grigory Viktorovich, 62 years old: Planted this year the Marquis variety in the garden. Seedlings turned out to be strong and healthy. Seedlings quickly began to grow. Productivity is high enough, the taste is good sour. I think next year I will plant some seedlings of this variety in a greenhouse.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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