Tomato Marmalade orange - description and characteristics of the variety

Gardeners appreciate tomatoes for their versatility and benefits to the body. They can be eaten raw, cook all kinds of dishes, sauces, pastas, as well as use for pickling and pickles. Breeders are constantly working on breeding new varieties and species.

Tomato Marmalade Orange

The tomato variety Marmalade orange is characterized by unpretentious care, grows well and bears fruit in greenhouse constructions, on beds in the garden. Observing all the rules for care, you can get a rich harvest.

Grade description

Plants belong to an early-ripening species, from the appearance of the first sprouts to the full ripening of the fruit takes from 95 to 100 days. Bushes grow in height from 90 to 130 cm, require tying and removal of excess leaves. The inflorescence begins to be tied on a 5-6 leaf and is repeated every 2 leaves.

The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened. The pulp is juicy fleshy, the taste is sweet. When fully ripened, they acquire an orange-orange hue. The peel is durable, tomatoes can be stored fresh for a long time, and are excellent for transportation. The average weight of one vegetable is approximately 100 grams.

Growing tomatoes

Sowing seeds is carried out in the prepared land. Seeds must first be hardened. To do this, a bag of seeds is placed in the cold for about 2 weeks. The earth must be cultivated from harmful insects and fungi. To do this, you can fill it with hot water or fry in the oven at high temperature. After treatment, the soil is poured into a special container, you can immediately plant in separate cups. The container is covered with a film and put away in a warm sunny place. If there is a lack of light, you can use a special lamp. After about 1 week, the first sprouts will appear, then the film should be removed.

After the formation of 4-5 full leaves, seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. Organic fertilizers are added to the wells before planting. Near each plant, you need to install a solid wooden or metal support, to which the bushes will be tied. Further growth of seedlings will depend on proper care.

Care Features

The rules for caring for the Marmalade orange variety are no different from caring for other members of the nightshade family. To avoid the invasion of pests and infection with dangerous fungi, you should regularly cultivate the earth, remove weed grass, as well as picking off excess leaves. Watering should be carried out once a week, if there is no rainy weather. Tomatoes do not like excess moisture. If you water often, then the roots of the plants can begin to rot, which can lead to illness and even death. The lack of a water regime should also not be tolerated. Water should be warm, watering should only be on the roots of plants.

Features of tomato care Marmalade orange

We should not forget about the preventive treatment of bushes with insecticides, as well as the introduction of mineral additives. Feed the bushes 3 times during the growth and fruiting.

Due to its attractive appearance, the tomato variety is widely used in cooking. Marmalade, lecho and various sauces are made from fruits. They canned separately and with other vegetables. If tomatoes are stored properly, they can decorate the New Year's table.


  1. Ekaterina Viktorovna, 44 years old: My husband and I have long been growing tomatoes of different varieties. Recently decided to try the variety Marmalade orange. We were satisfied with the result.Beautiful, orange tomatoes cheer up with a sunny color, taste great, and are suitable for all types of workpieces. We will try to plant these tomatoes every year.
  2. Evgeny Petrovich, 61 years old: I have been growing tomatoes for decades. When I planted Marmalade orange tomatoes in a greenhouse, I thought that I would get a good harvest of orange fruits. But I did not follow the growth of the bushes too carefully; I rarely carried out stepsoning. The crop was not too rich, but the size of the fruits and the color made me happy. Good for whole canning. Next year I will try to comply with all the rules for the care, I hope to get a high harvest.
  3. Oleg Mikhailovich, 39 years old: Not so long ago I began to engage in growing vegetables. Tomatoes, of course, are the main vegetable crop in my country house. Variety Marmalade liked the excellent taste, the original orange color and the small size of the fruit. It is important to follow the care of agricultural technology. I plant tomatoes in the greenhouse, so fresh vegetables appear early on the table.

Video: marmalade orange tomatoes

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