Tomato Maryushka - description and characteristics of the variety

Most lovers of growing vegetables in the country or in the garden prefer tomatoes. Tomatoes are very popular for their versatility, unpretentiousness to adverse climatic conditions and ease of care. Especially vegetable growers appreciate the fruits of small size. They are easy to roll in jars as a whole, they have an attractive appearance and excellent taste. These tomatoes include the variety Maryushka. It grows great and gives an excellent harvest in the open space and in closed structures.

Tomato Maryushka

Grade description

The bushes are small, grow to a height of no higher than 80 cm. The plant does not require tying and cutting off stepsons. The first inflorescence is formed over 7 leaves, repeated every 2-3 leaves. Tomatoes are tied in clusters, each of which has 9-10 fruits.

The fruits are in the form of an elongated oval. The skin is smooth, strong, has no ribbing. The fruits ripen in red. The weight of one tomato is about 50-70 grams. The pulp is dense, fleshy. Inside there are 2-3 seed chambers. Due to their strength, tomatoes are not susceptible to cracking and are excellent for transportation to other regions for further marketing.

From the fruits, wonderful preparations, pasta, sauces and juice are obtained. Salads are prepared from fresh vegetables and consumed as an independent product.

Growing Features

In order to grow healthy fruits and get a higher crop, you need to prepare seeds and soil for sowing.

  1. Sowing seeds. Seeds must be purchased at a specialized store and treated with a manganese solution. This will be needed in order to accelerate plant growth and for additional protection against diseases. Soil should also be prepared. First, the earth must be disinfected by spilling it with a manganese solution and calcined in the oven. Peat or humus must be added to the moistened soil, and all mixed. Seeds are deepened by 15-20 mm. Crops should be covered with a film and kept in a warm sunny place. After about a week, the first shoots will appear.
  2. Dive and hardening. After the appearance of 2-3 leaves on the seedlings, they should be seated in separate cups. Immediately before planting in a permanent place, seedlings need to be hardened. This will help plants adapt faster to the new growing conditions. Within a few days, containers with seedlings must be taken outside or onto the balcony for several hours.
  3. Landing. Seedlings should be planted in the ground at the end of April. Previously, the soil should be fertilized with nitrogen additives. 4 seedlings should be planted per square meter. To get a richer crop, you must follow the simple rules of care.
  4. Features of the care of the variety. Watering seedlings is recommended to be carried out once a week with warm water. Several times during the season the soil should be fertilized with minerals, and you can also add mullein infusion or raw yeast when watering. Loosening the soil and thoroughly removing weeds will help protect the bushes from fungal diseases and the invasion of harmful insects.

For prevention, you can spray the bushes with special insecticides several times during the summer. Low-growing bushes do not require tying and pinching, which greatly facilitates physical activity during the caring events.

Variety of tomatoes Maryushka is popular among gardeners. Small fruits are great for canning in general. Wonderful gustatory qualities make the fruits a desirable product on every table.The useful properties of tomatoes have long been studied, fresh vegetables make up the main diet of a healthy diet.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Marina Sergeevna, 45 years old: In my large family, everyone loves pickled tomatoes. In the summer cottage, I grow several varieties of tomatoes, and constantly make harvests. Variety Maryushka has long been liked by me for its unpretentiousness when grown. Small fruits are great for pickling in many ways. In addition, delicious fruits can be stored fresh for a long time. The yield of the variety is high, and minimal care is required. Low bushes do not need to be tied up and stepsoned.
  2. Sergey Nikolaevich, 55 years old: I love to garden since childhood. I can not imagine my site without a tomato. On the advice of a neighbor, he decided to plant Maryushka. Tomatoes are small, red and tasty. They can be stored for a long time, fresh fruits are used to prepare many dishes. The wife pickles them whole, makes ketchup and juice. I recommend everyone to try growing this particular variety.

Video: how to water tomatoes

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