Tomato Dream lazy - description and characteristics of the variety

The Summer Dream variety is popular not only among beginners who have just started to grow vegetables, but also among experienced farmers. Why is he so interesting and attractive to them? This variety will be of interest to those who like to grow vegetables in their garden in the country, but do not have a lot of time for this.

Tomato Lazy Dream

Grade history

Little is known about the creation of this variety. It was bred in the early years of this century by breeders working in our country. Already in 2008, the necessary tests were carried out. After this, the variety was given the name Summer Dream. It was entered in the state register.

general description

First of all, it must be said that the Summer Dream is a relatively new variety. He is not a hybrid. It does not have the same hybrids. Bushes of tomatoes of this variety are standard, determinant. As a rule, the height of the plant is 35-40 cm. Already 3 months after the seedlings have sprouted together, you can harvest the first crop. Therefore, the variety is considered early.

The leaves on the bushes are quite long, have an average width. They have a light emerald hue. Shoots on bushes of the Summer Dream variety do not need to be pinched.

Simple inflorescences form on the plant. Fruits during ripening have a green delicate tint. And when they are ripe, they acquire a bright red color. Tomatoes have a slightly ribbed, flat-rounded shape. Each fruit contains at least 4 nests in which the seeds are located.

It is important to remember that a variety is not hybrid. Therefore, the seeds are suitable for planting a second time. Fruits grow medium in size, and weigh an average of about 125 g. The variety is one that produces an average yield. About 4.8 kg of tomatoes per square meter are harvested.

But plants of this variety have an undeniable advantage. They are resistant to many underlying diseases. They are not afraid of diseases typical of tomatoes, such as powdery mildew, fusarium, tobacco mosaic. They also do not suffer from verticillosis and late blight.

As a rule, tomatoes of this litter are grown in greenhouses or under a film.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of the variety is due to the fact that it has a lot of advantage over many others. Consider its main advantages.

  1. The bushes are very resistant to most diseases that often affect tomatoes. This allows you to save plants longer and get a larger crop. In addition, the need for processing is reduced, which saves time and money.
  2. Harvest ripens early and quite amicably.
  3. You can significantly save time on processing, as you do not need to tie up, pinch bushes. They do not require the removal of stepchildren.
  4. The plants are small in size.
  5. The fruits have excellent taste and will retain their presentation for a long time.
  6. Suitable for growing for sale, as they do not deteriorate during transportation.
  7. The peel does not crack.
  8. There is no need to purchase seeds every year, as they can be used for sowing.

The variety has almost no flaws. That is what makes it so popular.

How to grow

Based on the experience of gardeners, for growing tomatoes, the Summer Dream, you must first grow seedlings. And when the plants get stronger, they are planted in a greenhouse.

For growing seedlings, a bulk container is taken and seeds are planted in the prepared substrate. This can be done already in mid-January. But it is completely allowed to start sowing until the very end of March.

Sowing seeds and seedling care is recommended in the same way as in the case of other varieties. A fluorescent lamp is recommended above the box. This is necessary so that due to the short daylight hours the plant does not stretch. Under the light of a lamp, seedlings will not lengthen. The plant will form strong.

To avoid the need for a dive, seeds are recommended to be placed more rarely. After sowing, seedlings will appear in 7-10 days. Containers should be placed in a room where the temperature is maintained at about 15 degrees.

Before planting in the greenhouse, it is recommended to feed the tomatoes several times using complex fertilizers. Watering should be moderate. After April 10, you can start planting bushes in the greenhouse. Moreover, depending on when you planted the seedlings, the crop is harvested at different times. This period falls on June-September.

Gardeners who have already tested this variety note that it is easy to care for. It is only necessary to carry out timely watering, to loosen the soil, to remove weeds and to fertilize several times during the summer.

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