Tomato Honey candy F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Already with the first month of spring, gardeners begin preparing for the summer season. Seedlings are planted on the windowsills in order to timely transfer it to the ground. The main plant that begins to be prepared so early for planting is tomato. Before choosing seeds, professionals and amateurs study the information about varieties that will suit them to the maximum for growing tomatoes in various conditions. Many nuances are important: planting in the ground, resistance to various diseases, color, taste and productivity. In this article we will talk about the variety of tomatoes "Honey candy F1".

Tomato Honey Candy F1

Variety Description and Yield

The type of tomato was developed by Russian breeders, officially registered in the registry since 2005. It has become very popular among many agronomists. Grown by professionals for implementation and amateurs for their own use.

Refers to a medium hybrid variety. Matures 110 days after sowing. A small bush is not lower than 80 centimeters, and not higher than 100 centimeters.

Suitable for growing both in greenhouses and hotbeds, and for growing in open land. It tolerates common tomato diseases. Great fruiting from one bush. From one square meter, you can get from 8 to 12 kilograms of ripe and juicy fruits.

It tolerates temperature changes. During growth, the tomato requires careful care. This variety needs frequent timely watering, processing and top dressing.

During ripening, the fruits have a bright yellow color. The size of the fetus is small - an average of 50 to 90 grams. A small number of seed chambers - up to 3 pieces. It is well stored in a torn form, transfers transportation over long distances.


Tomato has a pronounced sweet taste. For the color, size and taste data, I got such a name - “Honey sweetie”. Very tasty for fresh consumption without other vegetables and products. It is combined in vegetable salads. Suitable for canning, either separately or in a group with other vegetables. It will go well with stew and fried meat. Suitable for stewing vegetables. Tomatoes usually do not make juices, pastes, and sauces from this type.


It grows in open ground in warm regions. In cold areas with unstable and cool weather it is necessary to use greenhouses and greenhouses. In the northern regions, additional heating is used to grow this variety.

During growth, the bushes must be tied up, as well as branches with ovaries. Sometimes there are so many fruits on one branch that it can break due to gravity. Therefore, to avoid breaking the plants should be tied up in a timely manner.

This variety is very bushy. The formation of the culture occurs in 5-6 branches, which is not typical of the standard options for the formation of tomatoes. It is important to remember about weekly plant nutrition. Timely and proper application of fertilizer will have a positive effect on the formation of stems, the formation of inflorescences and ovaries, and later on, delicious and juicy fruits.


It tolerates various diseases common in tomatoes. Resists raids by aphids, Colorado potato beetles and slugs. However, timely treatment for diseases and pests is still necessary.

  1. If the gardener sees faded and yellowed leaves - this may be phomosis, in which case the leaves must be removed to avoid the disease of the entire bush. It is necessary to treat all plants with the Hom drug.You should also reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers, and reduce the amount of watering.
  2. Dry spotting is possible. To prevent and spread it to all plants, the bushes are treated with Antracol, Consento and Tattu.
  3. Perhaps, but not a frequent lesion of this tomato by slugs and a bear. A solution of hot pepper and mustard helps against slugs. Used 1 spoon of dry mix per 1 square meter.
  4. It’s more difficult to fight with a bear. To do this, weed the soil, loosen and mulch. You can also use the drug "Gnome".
  5. In a greenhouse, a plant may be invaded by small whitefly butterflies. Against this insect, the drug "Confidor" is used. The correct dilution of each drug manufacturers indicate on the packaging.

They note good tomato yield, as well as a long storage time of fruits after harvest.

The Honey Candy tomato is an excellent variety for both professionals and amateurs. Following the rules of care, processing, watering and top dressing, everyone will be able to achieve the maturation of a good and tasty crop.


Ekaterina Nikolaevna, 54 years old: Last year, the cultivar "Honey Candy" was grown, and was pleased with its harvest. My neighbor gave me seeds. She bought a lot for seedlings, and some remained. I planted several bushes of this variety on the windowsill. In late May, she moved to the greenhouse and looked after her, daily watering, carefully processing and feeding bushes. In the middle of summer bright and tasty fruits appeared. I really liked it, this year I will plant again.

Video: F1 Tomatoes Honey Candy F1

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