Tomato Honey heart - description and characteristics of the variety

The recent development of Siberian breeders — the Honey Heart tomato — will be appreciated by gardeners who like to grow yellow tomatoes. And you don’t have to wait for the warm season at all - small bushes grow on the balcony in an attractive pot and give a good harvest.

Tomato Honey Heart

Grade characteristics

Honey heart is a first-generation hybrid variety. The plant grows to a small height - no more than 70 centimeters, and sometimes less. The variety is early ripe. The first crop can be harvested 90-95 days after the seedlings rise.

The hybrid variety is characterized by high productivity. From one square meter, you can collect about 8-8.5 kilograms of tomatoes. In the southern regions, a determinant-type plant is successfully grown in open beds, in places with a temperate climate, cultivation in greenhouse conditions or in containers is recommended. Shrubs should be formed in one stalk.

The plant produces small, round fruits that resemble a heart in shape. Tomatoes have smooth, not pointed ends. The color of the skin and pulp of ripe tomatoes can be from pale yellow to more intense - orange-yellow. The mass of one fruit is from 120 to 140 grams.

The pulp of tomatoes The honey heart contains many useful substances that will appeal to those who adhere to proper nutrition or diet. In the summer months, yellow tomatoes will be the main supplier of beta-carotene. In addition, the pulp of such fruits contains a large amount of sugars. For their sweet taste and bright color, the kids love them very much.

Tomatoes can be picked from the bush before they are ripe - the fruits ripen well at home, accumulating the right amount of sugar. Tomatoes Honey heart has a rather long shelf life, they are consumed fresh, used to make healthy tomato juice.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Among the main positive qualities of the variety gardeners distinguish the following:

  1. It gives a large number of crops.
  2. The fruits have excellent taste characteristics.
  3. The pulp has a useful composition in which there are a lot of beta-carotene and sugars.
  4. The plant is resistant to pests and basic diseases that are characteristic of tomatoes.
  5. The variety is unpretentious in care - it is not necessary to pinch and form bushes.

Of the negative qualities, it is distinguished that for the cultivation of tomato Honey heart, soil with high fertility is necessary.

Growing recommendations

Since the Honey Heart variety is early ripening, the timing of planting seed for seedlings is quite extended. Seeds can be sown from the first of March to the beginning of April.

Tomato Growing Recommendations Honey Heart

  1. Before planting seeds, it is necessary to carry out their processing in order to prevent against diseases and pests. To do this, use a manganese solution. In addition, soil treatment is required in which seeds will be planted. It is not recommended to lower the seed too deep into the soil, it is advisable to do this to a depth of one and a half centimeters.
  2. Be sure to carry out the pinching of seedlings when it reaches a height of 5-7 centimeters, and two leaves will form on it. Sprouts will sprout faster if fertilized with top dressing, which includes potassium and magnesium.
  3. Transfer seedlings to open beds or to the greenhouse should be from the second decade of May to early June. Soil must be fed with organic and mineral dressings.When planting, you need to ensure that the distance between the bushes is at least 40 centimeters.
  4. In summer, take care of the plant in the same way as for tomatoes of other varieties: loosen the soil, weed, remove weeds, regularly water it with warm water. The only difference is that stepsoning is not necessary.

Diseases and pests

The hybrid variety is highly resistant to many diseases that are characteristic of this vegetable crop, including late blight, all types of rot, as well as the tobacco mosaic virus.

To protect the plant from damage by diseases and pests, it is enough to pre-process the seed. Under adverse weather conditions (abnormally hot weather, prolonged cooling), the plants are treated with phytosporin or another low-toxic fungicidal agent.

The opinion of gardeners

Most gardeners who cultivated Honey Heart tomatoes on their plots respond extremely positively to this variety, noting its rather high yield, low maintenance, and excellent taste qualities of tomatoes.

Video: 10 mistakes when growing tomatoes

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