Tomato Honey giant - description and characteristics of the variety

The representative of the nightshade family firmly took its rightful place in the list of popular vegetable crops. Many gardeners prefer large-fruited varieties. Tomatoes can be consumed raw, added to the preparation of a variety of dishes, and also used for harvesting. The Honey Giant variety is distinguished by the presence of large fruits. In the southern regions it grows well on open ground, in other regions it is recommended to grow in greenhouses. With 1 sq. meters you can collect up to 15 kg of large quality tomatoes. The mid-early variety will delight its fruits 100-110 days after the appearance of the first seedlings.

Tomato Honey Giant

Grade description

  1. The bushes have unlimited growth, in greenhouse conditions reach a height of up to 2 meters. On the beds in the garden, bushes grow to a height of 1.5 meters.
  2. The ovaries are formed by brushes, on one bush there are 7-8 brushes. The degree of fruit ripeness is different.
  3. Harvesting begins in July and continues until frosts. The ripening of the last tomatoes occurs at home.
  4. Fruits are round, slightly flattened, when fully ripened, they acquire a bright yellow color. There is a green spot near the stem.
  5. The average weight of one tomato is 400 grams. In greenhouses, fruits can reach a weight of up to 1 kg.
  6. The pulp is dense, often contains pink streaks.
  7. The taste is sweet, without sourness.
  8. The skin is thin and durable.
  9. The tomato shelf life is good, suitable for long-distance transportation and for long-term storage.

Cultivation and care

  1. To get a good harvest, bushes require careful shaping. Leaves should be 1-2 stems, the lower leaves are removed. Tall bushes require tying to trellises or supports.
  2. Stepsons should be cut off regularly.
  3. Tomatoes need to be fed several times with complex fertilizers and nitrogen or potassium minerals.
  4. Watering should be done about 1 time per week. Tomatoes do not like dry soil, but waterlogging should not be allowed, otherwise the rhizome may begin to rot.
  5. For preventive purposes, bushes should be sprayed with special means. Despite the high immunity to diseases and pests, plants need simple care. Regularly loosen the soil and remove weed grass. This will help prevent infection with fungal diseases.

Planting tomatoes

Planting Tomatoes Honey Giant
They cultivate the Honey Giant variety by seedling method. For sowing, you need to prepare planting material, soil and a suitable container. Seeds can be purchased at the store or collected independently. Harvested seeds should be kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. For faster germination before sowing, they can be wrapped in wet gauze for a day. Earth taken from the garden should be calcined at high temperature or spilled with hot water. This will help destroy dangerous viruses and harmful insects.

Sowing is done in grooves done to a depth of 1 cm. From above, the container is covered with film or glass, and cleaned in a warm, well-lit place. As soon as 2-4 leaflets appear at the seedlings, they need to be planted in separate cups. Before planting, seedlings must be taken out into the fresh air for several days to harden.

On 1 square meter have about 3-4 seedlings. Before planting on the ground or in the greenhouse, plants should be fed with complex fertilizers. The soil for planting should be light and loose. The Honey Giant variety grows poorly and the fruits are much smaller on dense loamy soils. A peg or a trellis must be placed near each hole. The distance between the bushes should not be less than 60 cm.If you plant seedlings too tightly, they may lack nutrients.

Honey giant tomatoes are suitable for all types of canning. The only inconvenience is the inability to pickle the whole fruit due to its gigantic size. Summer residents respond positively to the properties and characteristics of the variety.

Reviews gardeners

  1. Valery, 37 years old: The variety is sweet and fleshy. In my family everyone eats tomatoes just with salt, without adding oil or mayonnaise. The blanks all turned out great. Even the gigantic size did not stop us from pickling tomatoes, we just cut them into slices.
  2. Julia Stepanovna, 61 years old: We always grow large tomatoes. I tried many different varieties. Most of all I liked the Honey Giant variety. The tomatoes are fleshy, sweet in taste, can be eaten raw. Children and grandchildren eat them just like that, even without salt. Very tasty tomatoes, I recommend it to everyone.

Video: Honey Giant Tomatoes

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